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FileMaker Pro Database  |  1994-11-11  |  210KB  |  7,720 lines

  1. Sybert
  2. Small@
  3. 202-225-7018@
  4. Fowler@
  5. Norwood
  6. Stupak
  7. Woolsey@
  8. Georgia@
  9. Michigan
  10. Oregon
  11. Wyoming@
  12. Panettag
  13. AgricultureZ
  14. Armed
  15. Business
  16. District
  17. Fisheries
  18. Joint
  19. Means
  20. Operations@
  21. Rules@
  22. Small
  23. HBAM2001MAY84
  24. 104th House:*
  25. Albert
  26. Alcee
  27. Andrea
  28. ,Andrea
  29. ,Andrew
  30. Anthony
  31. Arthur
  32. Austin
  33. Barbara
  34. Barney
  35. Benjamin
  36. Benny
  37. Bernard
  38. Blanche
  39. Bobby
  40. Bruce
  41. Butler
  42. Calvin
  43. Cardiss
  44. Carlos
  45. Carolyn
  46. Carrie
  47. Charles
  48. Christopher
  49. Cliff
  50. Collin
  51. Constance
  52. Corine
  53. Cynthia
  54. Danie
  55. David
  56. Deborah
  57. Donald
  58. Douglas
  59. Duncan
  60. Eddie
  61. Edolphus
  62. Edward
  63. Eleanor
  64. Eliot
  65. Elizabeth
  66. Elton
  67. Ernest
  68. Esteban
  69. Floyd
  70. Fortney
  71. Frank
  72. Frederick
  73. George
  74. Gerald
  75. Gerry
  76. Glenn
  77. Harold
  78. Harris
  79. Harry
  80. Helen
  81. Henry
  82. Herbert
  83. Howard
  84. Ileana
  85. James
  86. Jennifer
  87. Jerrold
  88. Jerry
  89. Joseph
  90. Julian
  91. Karen
  92. Kweisi
  93. Lamar
  94. Larry
  95. Lewis
  96. Lincoln
  97. Linda
  98. Lindsey
  99. Lloyd
  100. Louis
  101. Louise
  102. Lucille
  103. Major
  104. Marcy
  105. Marge
  106. Martin
  107. urice
  108. Maxine
  109. Melton
  110. Melvin
  111. Michael
  112. Nancy
  113. Nathan
  114. Norman
  115. Nydia
  116. Patricia
  117. Patrick
  118. Patsy
  119. Peter
  120. Philip
  121. Phillip
  122. Porter
  123. Ralph
  124. Randy
  125. Richard
  126. Robert
  127. Roger
  128. Ronald
  129. Roscoe
  130. Sander
  131. Sanford
  132. Sherrod
  133. Sherwood
  134. Sidney
  135. Solomon
  136. Sonny
  137. Spencer
  138. Steny
  139. Stephen
  140. Steve
  141. Steven
  142. Susan
  143. Terry
  144. Thomas
  145. Tille
  146. Vernon
  147. Walter
  148. Wayne
  149. William
  150. Xavier
  151. Bernice
  152. Billy
  153. Buddy
  154. Christopher
  155. Dennis
  156. Edward
  157. Holmes
  158. James
  159. Joseph
  160. Mcintosh
  161. Russell
  162. Sonny
  163. Abercrombie
  164. Ackerman
  165. Allard
  166. Andrews
  167. Archer
  168. Armey
  169. Bachus
  170. Baesler
  171. Baker
  172. Ballenger
  173. Barca
  174. Barcia
  175. Barret
  176. Barrett
  177. Bartlett
  178. Barton
  179. Bateman
  180. Becerra
  181. Bentsen
  182. Bereuter
  183. Berman
  184. erman
  185. Berman
  186. Bevill
  187. Bilbray
  188. Bilirakis
  189. Bishop
  190. Bliley
  191. Blute
  192. Boehlert
  193. Boehner
  194. Bonilla
  195. Bonior
  196. Brski
  197. Boucher
  198. Brewster
  199. Brooks
  200. Browder
  201. Brown
  202. Bryant
  203. Bunning
  204. Burton
  205. Buyer
  206. Byrne
  207. Callahan
  208. Calvert
  209. Canady
  210. Cantwell
  211. Cardin
  212. Castle
  213. Chapman
  214. Clayton
  215. Clement
  216. Clinger
  217. Clyburn
  218. Coble
  219. Coleman
  220. Collins
  221. Combest
  222. Condit
  223. Conyers
  224. Cooper
  225. Costello
  226. Coyne
  227. Cramer
  228. Crane
  229. Crapo
  230. Cremeans
  231. Cubin
  232. Cunningham
  233. Danner
  234. Davis
  235. Defazio
  236. Delauro
  237. Delay
  238. Dellums
  239. Deutsch
  240. Diaz-balart
  241. Dickey
  242. Dicks
  243. Dingell
  244. Dixon
  245. Doggett
  246. Dooley
  247. Doolittle
  248. Dornan
  249. Doyle
  250. Dreier
  251. Duncan
  252. Durbin
  253. Edwards
  254. English
  255. Eshoo
  256. Evans
  257. Everett
  258. Ewing
  259. Faleomavaega
  260. Fawell
  261. Fazio
  262. Fields
  263. Filner
  264. Fingerhut
  265. Flake
  266. Flanagan
  267. Foley
  268. Fowler
  269. Frank
  270. Franks
  271. Frost
  272. Furse
  273. Gallegly
  274. Gallo
  275. Garza
  276. Gejdenson
  277. Gekas
  278. Gephardt
  279. Geren
  280. Gibbons
  281. Gilchrest
  282. Gillmor
  283. Gilman
  284. Gingrich
  285. Glickman
  286. Gonzalez
  287. Goodlatte
  288. Goodling
  289. Gordon
  290. Grams
  291. Grandy
  292. Green
  293. Greenwood
  294. Gunderson
  295. Gutierrez
  296. Hamburg
  297. Hamilton
  298. Hancock
  299. Hansen
  300. Harman
  301. Hastert
  302. Hastings
  303. Hayes
  304. Hefley
  305. Hefner
  306. Heineman
  307. Herger
  308. Hileary
  309. Hillard
  310. Hinchey
  311. Hobson
  312. Hoekstra
  313. Holden
  314. Hostettler
  315. Houghton
  316. Hoyer
  317. Hunter
  318. Hutchinson
  319. Inglis
  320. Istook
  321. Jacobs
  322. Jefferson
  323. Johnson
  324. Johnston
  325. Jones
  326. Kanjorski
  327. Kaptur
  328. Kasich
  329. Kelly
  330. Kennedy
  331. Kennelly
  332. Kildee
  333. Kinging
  334. Kinging
  335. Kinginging
  336. Kingng?
  337. Kinging
  338. Kingston
  339. Kleczka
  340. Klink
  341. Knollenberg
  342. Kolbe
  343. Kopetski
  344. Lafalce
  345. Lahood
  346. Lambert
  347. Lantos
  348. Largent
  349. Latham
  350. Latourette
  351. Laughlin
  352. Lazio
  353. Leach
  354. Levin
  355. Lewis
  356. Lightfoot
  357. Linder
  358. Lipinski
  359. Livingston
  360. Lobiondo
  361. Lofgren
  362. Lowey
  363. Lucas
  364. Maloney
  365. Manton
  366. Manzullo
  367. Markey
  368. Martinez
  369. Martini
  370. Mascara
  371. Matcalf
  372. Matsui
  373. Matsui
  374. Matsui
  375. Mccandless
  376. Mccollum
  377. Mccrery
  378. Mcdade
  379. Mcdermott
  380. Mchale
  381. Mchugh
  382. Mcinnis
  383. Mcintosh
  384. Mckeon
  385. Mckinney
  386. Mcnulty
  387. Meehan
  388. Menendez
  389. Meyers
  390. Mfume
  391. Miller
  392. Mineta
  393. Minge
  394. Moakley
  395. Molinari
  396. Mollohan
  397. Montgomery
  398. Moorhead
  399. Moran
  400. Morella
  401. Murtha
  402. Myers
  403. Myrick
  404. Nadler
  405. Nethercutt
  406. Norton
  407. Norton
  408. ussle
  409. Oberstar
  410. Olver
  411. Ortiz
  412. Orton
  413. Owens
  414. Oxley
  415. Packard
  416. Pallone
  417. Parker
  418. Pastor
  419. Paxon
  420. Payne
  421. Pelosi
  422. Peterson
  423. Petri
  424. Pickett
  425. Pombo
  426. Pomeroy
  427. Porter
  428. Portman
  429. Poshard
  430. Pryce
  431. Quillen
  432. Quinn
  433. Radanovich
  434. ovich
  435. mstad
  436. Rangel
  437. Ravenel
  438. Regula
  439. Reynolds
  440. Richardson
  441. Ridge
  442. Roberts
  443. Roemer
  444. Rogers
  445. Rohrabacher
  446. Romero-barcelo
  447. Ros-lehtinen
  448. Rostenkowski
  449. Roukema
  450. Rowland
  451. Roybal-allard
  452. Royce
  453. Salmon
  454. Sangmeister
  455. Santorum
  456. Sarpalius
  457. Sawyer
  458. Saxton
  459. Schaefer
  460. Schenk
  461. Schiff
  462. Schroeder
  463. Schumer
  464. Scott
  465. Sensenbrenner
  466. Serrano
  467. Sharp
  468. Shays
  469. Shepherd
  470. Shuster
  471. Sisisky
  472. Skaggs
  473. Skeen
  474. Skelton
  475. Slattery
  476. Slaughter
  477. Smith
  478. Snowe
  479. Solomon
  480. Spence
  481. Spratt
  482. Stark
  483. Stearns
  484. Stenholm
  485. Stokes
  486. Strickland
  487. Studds
  488. Stump
  489. Stupak
  490. Stupak
  491. Sybert
  492. .ybert
  493. Sybert
  494. .ybert
  495. .Synar
  496. Talent
  497. Tanner
  498. Tauzin
  499. Taylor
  500. Tejeda
  501. Thomas
  502. Thompson
  503. Thornton
  504. Thurman
  505. Torkildsen
  506. Torres
  507. Torricelli
  508. Towns
  509. Traficant
  510. Tucker
  511. Underwood
  512. Unsoeld
  513. Upton
  514. Valentine
  515. Velazquez
  516. Vento
  517. Visclosky
  518. Volkmer
  519. Vucanovich
  520. Walker
  521. Walsh
  522. Washington
  523. Waters
  524. Waxman
  525. Weldon
  526. Wheat
  527. Whitten
  528. Williams
  529. Wilson
  530. Woolsey
  531. Wyden
  532. Yates
  533. Young
  534. Zeliff
  535. Zimmer
  536. Alabama
  537. Alaska
  538. American
  539. Arizona
  540. Arkansas
  541. California
  542. Carolina
  543. Colorado
  544. Columbia
  545. Connecticut
  546. Dakota
  547. Delaware
  548. District
  549. Florida
  550. Georgia
  551. Hampshire
  552. Hawaii
  553. Idaho
  554. Illinois
  555. Indiana
  556. Island
  557. Islands
  558. Jersey
  559. Kansas
  560. Kentucky
  561. Louisiana
  562. Maine
  563. Maryland
  564. Massachusetts
  565. Mexico
  566. Michigan
  567. Michigan
  568. Minnesota
  569. Mississippi
  570. Missouri
  571. Montana
  572. Nebraska
  573. Nevada
  574. North
  575. Oklahoma
  576. Oregon
  577. Oregon
  578. Pennsylvania
  579. Puerto
  580. Rhode
  581. Samoa
  582. South
  583. Tennessee
  584. Texas
  585. Vermont
  586. Virgin
  587. Virginia
  588. Washington
  589. Wisconsin
  590. Wyoming
  591. Appointment
  592. Director
  593. Gradison
  594. House
  595. January
  596. Leader
  597. Majority
  598. Minority
  599. Panetta
  600. Panetta
  601. Speaker
  602. Vacant
  603. Vacated
  604. Administration
  605. Affairs
  606. Agriculture
  607. Agriculture
  608. Appropriations
  609. Armed
  610. Armed
  611. Banking
  612. Budget
  613. Business
  614. Business
  615. Chairman
  616. Civil
  617. Columbia
  618. Commerce
  619. Committee
  620. Conduct
  621. District
  622. District
  623. Economic
  624. Education
  625. Energy
  626. Finance
  627. Fisheries
  628. Fisheries
  629. Foreign
  630. Government
  631. House
  632. Intelligence
  633. Joint
  634. Joint
  635. Judiciary
  636. Labor
  637. Marine
  638. Means
  639. Means
  640. Merchant
  641. Natural
  642. Office
  643. Official
  644. Operations
  645. Public
  646. Resources
  647. Rules
  648. Science
  649. Select
  650. Service
  651. Services
  652. Small
  653. Space
  654. Standards
  655. Taxation
  656. Technology
  657. Andrea
  658. Constance@
  659. George@
  660. Matt@
  661. Norman@
  662. Saxby@
  663. Steny@
  664. Yersmith@
  665. Hefley@
  666. Mccloskey@
  667. Owens@
  668. Roybal-allard@
  669. Stupak
  670. Woolsey@
  671. Georgia@
  672. Michigan
  673. Oregon
  674. Wyoming@
  675. Panettag
  676. AgricultureZ
  677. Armed
  678. Business
  679. District
  680. Fisheries
  681. Joint
  682. Means
  683. Operations@
  684. Rules@
  685. Small
  686. Small@
  687. Technology
  688. 202-225-1766@
  689. 202-225-2231
  690. 202-225-2565@
  691. 202-225-2871@
  692. 202-225-3211@
  693. 202-225-3605@
  694. 202-225-3965@
  695. 202-225-4276@
  696. 202-225-4611@
  697. 202-225-4965@
  698. 202-225-5335@
  699. 202-225-5711@
  700. 202-225-6030@
  701. 202-225-6435@
  702. 202-225-7882@
  703. 202-225-0088@
  704. 202-225-0694@
  705. 202-225-1044@
  706. 202-225-1452@
  707. 202-225-2082@
  708. 202-225-2558@
  709. 202-225-4085@
  710. 202-225-4732@
  711. 202-225-5709@
  712. 202-225-7018
  713. Technology
  714. Transportation
  715. Urban
  716. Veterans
  717. Works
  718. 202-225-0123
  719. 202-225-0453
  720. 202-225-0773
  721. 202-225-1002
  722. 202-225-1188
  723. 202-225-1252
  724. 202-225-1313
  725. 202-225-1510
  726. 202-225-1605
  727. 202-225-1640
  728. 202-225-1688
  729. 2-225-1688
  730. 2-225-1688
  731. 202-225-1766
  732. 202-225-1790
  733. 202-225-1880
  734. 202-225-1947
  735. 202-225-1956
  736. 202-225-1986
  737. 202-225-2002
  738. 202-225-2011
  739. 202-225-2015
  740. 202-225-2031
  741. 202-225-2065
  742. 202-225-2076
  743. 202-225-2095
  744. 202-225-2106
  745. 202-225-2111
  746. 202-225-2132
  747. 202-225-2161
  748. 202-225-2165
  749. 202-225-2176
  750. 202-225-2190
  751. 202-225-2201
  752. 202-225-2231
  753. 202-225-2231231
  754. 202-225-2231231
  755. 202-225-2231231
  756. 202-225-2231231
  757. 202-225-2231231
  758. 202-225-2231231
  759. 202-225-2231231
  760. 202-225-223131
  761. 202-225-2231
  762. 202-225-2261
  763. 202-225-2265
  764. 202-225-2276
  765. 202-225-2301
  766. 202-225-2305
  767. 202-225-2331
  768. 202-225-2361
  769. 202-225-2365
  770. 202-225-2371
  771. 202-225-2401
  772. 202-225-2406
  773. 202-225-2411
  774. 202-225-2415
  775. 202-225-2431
  776. 202-225-2452
  777. 202-225-2461
  778. 202-225-2464
  779. 202-225-2476
  780. 202-225-2501
  781. 202-225-2506
  782. 202-225-2511
  783. 202-225-2531
  784. 202-225-2536
  785. 202-225-2542
  786. 202-225-2561
  787. 2-225-2561
  788. 2-225-2561
  789. 2-225-2561
  790. 202-225-2565
  791. 202-225-2571
  792. 202-225-2576
  793. 202-225-2601
  794. 202-225-2611
  795. 202-225-2615
  796. 202-225-2631
  797. 202-225-2661
  798. 202-225-2665
  799. 202-225-2671
  800. 202-225-2676
  801. 202-225-2711
  802. 202-225-2715
  803. 202-225-2721
  804. 202-225-2726
  805. 202-225-2731
  806. 202-225-2735
  807. 202-225-2765
  808. 202-225-2777
  809. 202-225-2801
  810. 202-225-2815
  811. 202-225-2831
  812. 202-225-2836
  813. 202-225-2865
  814. 2-225-2865
  815. 2-225-2865
  816. 2-225-2865
  817. 2-225-2865
  818. 2-225-2865
  819. 202-225-2871
  820. 202-225-2876
  821. 202-225-2901
  822. 202-225-2906
  823. 202-225-2911
  824. 202-225-2915
  825. 202-225-2956
  826. 202-225-2965
  827. 202-225-2976
  828. 202-225-3001
  829. 202-225-3011
  830. 202-225-3015
  831. 202-225-3026
  832. 202-225-3031
  833. 202-225-3035
  834. 202-225-3065
  835. 202-225-3076
  836. 202-225-3101
  837. 202-225-3106
  838. 202-225-3111
  839. 202-225-3161
  840. 202-225-3164
  841. 202-225-3201
  842. 02-225-3201
  843. 02-225-3201
  844. 02-225-3201
  845. 02-225-3201
  846. 02-225-3201
  847. 02-225-3201
  848. 202-225-3211
  849. 202-225-3231
  850. 202-225-3236
  851. 202-225-3261
  852. 202-225-3265
  853. 202-225-3306
  854. 202-225-3311
  855. 202-225-3315
  856. 202-225-3335
  857. 202-225-3341
  858. 202-225-3365
  859. 202-225-3371
  860. 202-225-3376
  861. 202-225-3401
  862. 202-225-3411
  863. 202-225-3436
  864. 202-225-3452
  865. 202-225-3461
  866. 202-225-3465
  867. 202-225-3515
  868. 202-225-3531
  869. 202-225-3561
  870. 202-225-3571
  871. 2-225-3571
  872. 2-225-3571
  873. 2-225-3571
  874. 2-225-3571
  875. 202-225-3601
  876. 02-225-3601
  877. 202-225-3605
  878. 202-225-3611
  879. 202-225-3615
  880. 202-225-3631
  881. 202-225-3661
  882. 202-225-3665
  883. 202-225-3701
  884. 202-225-3711
  885. 202-225-3715
  886. 202-225-3731
  887. 202-225-3761
  888. 202-225-3765
  889. 202-225-3772
  890. 202-225-3776
  891. 202-225-3801
  892. 202-225-3806
  893. 202-225-3822
  894. 202-225-3831
  895. 202-225-3861
  896. 202-225-3876
  897. 202-225-3901
  898. 202-225-3906
  899. 202-225-3915
  900. 202-225-3931
  901. 02-225-3931
  902. 02-225-3931
  903. 02-225-3931
  904. 02-225-3931
  905. 02-225-3931
  906. 202-225-3965
  907. 202-225-3976
  908. 202-225-4005
  909. 202-225-4011
  910. 202-225-4016
  911. 202-225-4031
  912. 202-225-4035
  913. 202-225-4065
  914. 202-225-4071
  915. 202-225-4076
  916. 202-225-4111
  917. 202-225-4115
  918. 202-225-4131
  919. 202-225-4146
  920. 202-225-4165
  921. 202-225-4172
  922. 202-225-4176
  923. 202-225-4201
  924. 202-225-4211
  925. 202-225-4215
  926. 202-225-4231
  927. 202-225-4236
  928. 202-225-4261
  929. 202-225-4272
  930. 02-225-4272
  931. 02-225-4272
  932. 02-225-4272
  933. 02-225-4272
  934. 02-225-4272
  935. 202-225-4276
  936. 202-225-4301
  937. 202-225-4315
  938. 202-225-4324
  939. 202-225-4341
  940. 202-225-4361
  941. 202-225-4365
  942. 202-225-4372
  943. 202-225-4376
  944. 202-225-4401
  945. 202-225-4404
  946. 202-225-4422
  947. 202-225-4431
  948. 202-225-4465
  949. 202-225-4476
  950. 202-225-4501
  951. 202-225-4506
  952. 202-225-4511
  953. 202-225-4561
  954. 202-225-4565
  955. 202-225-4572
  956. 202-225-4576
  957. 202-225-4601
  958. 2-225-4601
  959. 2-225-4601
  960. 2-225-4601
  961. 2-225-4601
  962. 2-225-4601
  963. 2-225-4601
  964. 202-225-4611
  965. 202-225-4671
  966. 202-225-4676
  967. 202-225-4695
  968. 202-225-4706
  969. 202-225-4711
  970. 202-225-4714
  971. 202-225-4731
  972. 202-225-4735
  973. 202-225-4741
  974. 202-225-4755
  975. 202-225-4761
  976. 202-225-4765
  977. 202-225-4801
  978. 202-225-4806
  979. 202-225-4811
  980. 202-225-4831
  981. 202-225-4835
  982. 202-225-4876
  983. 202-225-4901
  984. 202-225-4906
  985. 202-225-4921
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  1080. 202-225-6030
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  1100. 2-225-6416
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  1156. 202-225-0003
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  1270. 202-225-1915
  1271. 202-225-1942
  1272. 202-225-1950
  1273. 202-225-1968
  1274. 202-225-1984
  1275. 202-225-1985
  1276. 202-225-1988
  1277. 2-225-1988
  1278. 2-225-1988
  1279. 2-225-1988
  1280. 2-225-1988
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  1371. 202-225-4886
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  1399. 202-225-5709
  1400. 202-225-5827
  1401. 202-225-5842
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  1412. 202-225-6583
  1413. 202-225-6645
  1414. 202-225-6766
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  1417. 202-225-6820
  1418. 202-225-6887
  1419. 202-225-6899
  1420. 202-225-6942
  1421. 202-225-6973
  1422. 2-225-6973
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  1424. 202-225-6974
  1425. 2-225-6974
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  1428. 202-225-7018
  1429. 202-225-7074
  1430. 202-225-7265
  1431. 202-225-7313
  1432. 202-225-7426
  1433. 202-225-7452
  1434. 202-225-7564
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  1439. 202-225-7768
  1440. 202-225-7804
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  1445. 202-225-7854
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  1447. 202-225-7926
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  1451. 2-225-8112
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  1453. 2-225-8112
  1454. 2-225-8112
  1455. 2-225-8112
  1456. 2-225-8112
  1457. 202-225-7018@
  1458. 202-225-8216@
  1459. 202-225-8943
  1460. 202-225-9477@
  1461. 202-226-0777@
  1462. Benny@
  1463. Bono@
  1464. CallahanB
  1465. Chet@
  1466. Crapo@
  1467. Cubin
  1468. Durbin@
  1469. Eleanor@
  1470. Lambert@
  1471. Maria
  1472. Minge
  1473. Paul@
  1474. Robert
  1475. Schumer@
  1476. Swift@
  1477. Barcia@
  1478. Clay@
  1479. Defazio@
  1480. Garza@
  1481. Holden@
  1482. Lafalce@
  1483. Mcmillan@
  1484. Petri
  1485. Representative
  1486. Roemer
  1487. Snowe@
  1488. 202-225-8216
  1489. 202-225-8259
  1490. 202-225-8272
  1491. 202-225-8354
  1492. 202-225-8396
  1493. 202-225-8398
  1494. 202-225-8440
  1495. 202-225-8456
  1496. 202-225-8576
  1497. 202-225-8611
  1498. 202-225-8628
  1499. 202-225-8630
  1500. 202-225-8671
  1501. 202-225-8673
  1502. 202-225-8689
  1503. 202-225-8693
  1504. 202-225-8698
  1505. 202-225-8714
  1506. 202-225-8757
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  1509. 202-225-8808
  1510. 202-225-8819
  1511. 202-225-8890
  1512. 202-225-8941
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  1514. 202-225-8943943
  1515. 202-225-8943943
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  1519. 202-225-8959
  1520. 202-225-8976
  1521. 202-225-9020
  1522. 202-225-9024
  1523. 202-225-9029
  1524. 202-225-9048
  1525. 202-225-9061
  1526. 202-225-9073
  1527. 202-225-9127
  1528. 202-225-9129
  1529. 202-225-9177
  1530. 202-225-9181
  1531. 202-225-9212
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  1534. 202-225-9273
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  1536. 202-225-9308
  1537. 202-225-9318
  1538. 202-225-9322
  1539. 202-225-9392
  1540. 202-225-9420
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  1542. 2-225-9460
  1543. 2-225-9460
  1544. 2-225-9460
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  1552. 202-225-9615
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  1556. 202-225-9655
  1557. 202-225-9679
  1558. 202-225-9681
  1559. 202-225-9711
  1560. 202-225-9721
  1561. 202-225-9764
  1562. 202-225-9817
  1563. 202-226-0327
  1564. 202-226-0329
  1565. 202-226-0333
  1566. 202-226-0335
  1567. 202-226-0350
  1568. 202-226-0354
  1569. 202-226-0622
  1570. 202-226-0683
  1571. 202-226-0691
  1572. 202-226-0771
  1573. 2-226-0771
  1574. 2-226-0771
  1575. 2-226-0771
  1576. 202-226-0777
  1577. 202-226-0792
  1578. 202-226-0821
  1579. 202-226-0828
  1580. 202-226-0836
  1581. 202-226-0893
  1582. 202-226-1485
  1583. 202-226-2269
  1584. 202-226-2279
  1585. 202-226-2356
  1586. 202-226-6923
  1587. Abercrombie
  1588. Ackerman
  1589. Albert
  1590. Alcee
  1591. Allard
  1592. Andrea
  1593. Andrew
  1594. Andrews
  1595. Archer
  1596. Armey
  1597. Bachus
  1598. Baesler
  1599. Baker
  1600. Ballenger
  1601. Barbara
  1602. Barca
  1603. Barcia
  1604. Barney
  1605. Barret
  1606. Barrett
  1607. Bartlett
  1608. Barton
  1609. Bateman
  1610. Becerra
  1611. Benjamin
  1612. Benny
  1613. Bentsen
  1614. Bereuter
  1615. Berman
  1616. Bernard
  1617. Bernice
  1618. Bevill
  1619. Bilbray
  1620. Bilirakis
  1621. Billy
  1622. Bishop
  1623. Blanche
  1624. Bliley
  1625. Blute
  1626. Bobby
  1627. Boehlert
  1628. Boehner
  1629. Bonilla
  1630. Bonior
  1631. onior
  1632. orski
  1633. Boucher
  1634. Brewster
  1635. Brooks
  1636. Browder
  1637. Brown
  1638. Bruce
  1639. Bryant
  1640. Buddy
  1641. Bunning
  1642. Burton
  1643. Butler
  1644. Buyer
  1645. Byrne
  1646. Callahanan
  1647. Callahan
  1648. Calvert
  1649. Calvin
  1650. Canady
  1651. Cardin
  1652. Cardiss
  1653. Carlos
  1654. Carolyn
  1655. Carrie
  1656. Castle
  1657. Chabott
  1658. Chaka
  1659. Chambliss
  1660. Chapman
  1661. Charles
  1662. Charlie
  1663. Chenoweth
  1664. enoweth
  1665. Clayton
  1666. Clement
  1667. Cliff
  1668. Clinger
  1669. Clyburn
  1670. Coble
  1671. Coleman
  1672. Collin
  1673. Collins
  1674. Combest
  1675. Condit
  1676. Constance
  1677. Conyers
  1678. Cooper
  1679. Corine
  1680. Costello
  1681. Coyne
  1682. Craig
  1683. Cramer
  1684. Crane
  1685. Crapo
  1686. Cremeans
  1687. Cubin
  1688. unningham
  1689. Cynthia
  1690. Danie
  1691. Danner
  1692. David
  1693. Davis
  1694. Deborah
  1695. Defazio
  1696. Delauro
  1697. Delay
  1698. Dellums
  1699. Dennis
  1700. Deutsch
  1701. Diaz-balart
  1702. Dickey
  1703. Dicks
  1704. Dingell
  1705. Dixon
  1706. Doggett
  1707. Donald
  1708. Dooley
  1709. Doolittle
  1710. Dornan
  1711. Douglas
  1712. Doyle
  1713. Dreier
  1714. Duncan
  1715. Durbin
  1716. Eddie
  1717. Edolphus
  1718. Edward
  1719. Edwards
  1720. Ehlers
  1721. Ehrlich
  1722. Elizabeth
  1723. Elton
  1724. Emerson
  1725. Engel
  1726. English
  1727. Ernest
  1728. Eshoo
  1729. Esteban
  1730. Evans
  1731. Everett
  1732. Ewing
  1733. Faleomavaega
  1734. Fawell
  1735. Fazio
  1736. Fields
  1737. Filner
  1738. Fingerhut
  1739. Flake
  1740. Floyd
  1741. Foglietta
  1742. Foley
  1743. Fortney
  1744. Fowler
  1745. Frank
  1746. Franks
  1747. Frederick
  1748. Frelinghuysen
  1749. Frisa
  1750. Frost
  1751. Funderburk
  1752. Furse
  1753. Gallegly
  1754. Ganske
  1755. George
  1756. Gephardt
  1757. Gerald
  1758. Geren
  1759. Gerry
  1760. Gibbons
  1761. Gilchrest
  1762. Gillmor
  1763. Gilman
  1764. Gingrich
  1765. Glenn
  1766. Glickman
  1767. Gonzalez
  1768. Goodlatte
  1769. Goodling
  1770. Gordon
  1771. Grams
  1772. Grandy
  1773. Green
  1774. Greenwood
  1775. Gunderson
  1776. Gutierrezrezezz
  1777. Gutierrez
  1778. Gutknecht
  1779. Hamburg
  1780. Hamilton
  1781. Hancock
  1782. Hansen
  1783. Harman
  1784. Harold
  1785. Harris
  1786. Harry
  1787. Hastert
  1788. Hastings
  1789. Hayes
  1790. Hefley
  1791. Hefner
  1792. Heineman
  1793. Helen
  1794. Henry
  1795. Herbert
  1796. Herger
  1797. Hileary
  1798. Hillard
  1799. Hinchey
  1800. Hobson
  1801. Hoekstra
  1802. Holden
  1803. Holmes
  1804. Hostettler
  1805. Houghton
  1806. Howard
  1807. Hoyer
  1808. Hunter
  1809. unter
  1810. Hunter
  1811. Hutchinson
  1812. Ileana
  1813. Inglis
  1814. Istook
  1815. Jacobs
  1816. James
  1817. Jefferson
  1818. Jennifer
  1819. Jerrold
  1820. Jerry
  1821. Johnson
  1822. Johnston
  1823. Jones
  1824. Joseph
  1825. Julian
  1826. Kanjorski
  1827. Kaptur
  1828. Karen
  1829. Kasich
  1830. Kelly
  1831. Kennedy
  1832. Kennelly
  1833. Kildee
  1834. Kingston
  1835. Kleczka
  1836. Klink
  1837. Knollenberg
  1838. Kolbe
  1839. Kopetski
  1840. Kweisi
  1841. Lafalce
  1842. Lahood
  1843. Lamar
  1844. Lamar
  1845. Lambert
  1846. Lantos
  1847. Largent
  1848. Larry
  1849. Latham
  1850. Latourette
  1851. Laughlin
  1852. Lazio
  1853. Leach
  1854. Levin
  1855. Lewis
  1856. Lightfoot
  1857. Lincoln
  1858. Linda
  1859. Linder
  1860. Lindsey
  1861. Lipinski
  1862. Livingston
  1863. Lloyd
  1864. Lobiondo
  1865. Lofgren
  1866. Lucien
  1867. Lucille
  1868. Machtley
  1869. Major
  1870. Maloney
  1871. Manton
  1872. Manzullo
  1873. Marcy
  1874. Marge
  1875. Margolies-mezvinsky
  1876. Maria
  1877. Markey
  1878. Martin
  1879. Martinez
  1880. Martini
  1881. Mascara
  1882. Matcalf
  1883. Matsui
  1884. Mazzoli
  1885. Mccandless
  1886. Mccloskey
  1887. Mccollum
  1888. Mccrery
  1889. Mccurdy
  1890. Mcdade
  1891. Mcdermott
  1892. Mchale
  1893. Mchugh
  1894. Mcinnis
  1895. Mcintosh
  1896. Mckeon
  1897. Mckinney
  1898. Mcmillan
  1899. Mcnulty
  1900. Meehan
  1901. Melton
  1902. Melvin
  1903. Menendez
  1904. Meyers
  1905. Mfume
  1906. Michael
  1907. Michel
  1908. Miller
  1909. Mineta
  1910. Minge
  1911. Minge
  1912. Moakley
  1913. Molinari
  1914. Mollohan
  1915. Montgomery
  1916. Moorhead
  1917. Moran
  1918. Morella
  1919. Murtha
  1920. Myers
  1921. Myrick
  1922. Nadler
  1923. Nancy
  1924. Nathan
  1925. Nethercutt
  1926. Norman
  1927. Norton
  1928. Nydia
  1929. Oberstar
  1930. Olver
  1931. Olympia
  1932. Ortiz
  1933. Orton
  1934. Owens
  1935. Oxley
  1936. Packard
  1937. Pallone
  1938. Parker
  1939. Pastor
  1940. Patricia
  1941. Patsy
  1942. Paxon
  1943. Payne
  1944. Pelosi
  1945. Peter
  1946. Peterson
  1947. Petri
  1948. Philip
  1949. Phillip
  1950. Pickett
  1951. Pombo
  1952. Pomeroy
  1953. Porter
  1954. Portman
  1955. Poshard
  1956. Pryce
  1957. Quillen
  1958. Quinn
  1959. Rahall
  1960. Ralph
  1961. Ramstad
  1962. Randy
  1963. Rangel
  1964. Ravenel
  1965. Regula
  1966. Reynolds
  1967. Richard
  1968. Richardson
  1969. Ridge
  1970. Robert
  1971. Robert
  1972. Roberts
  1973. Roemer
  1974. Roger
  1975. Rogers
  1976. Rohrabacher
  1977. Romero-barcelo
  1978. Ronald
  1979. Ros-lehtinen
  1980. Roscoe
  1981. Roukema
  1982. Roybal-allard
  1983. Royce
  1984. Russell
  1985. Salmon
  1986. Sander
  1987. Sanders
  1988. Sanford
  1989. Sawyer
  1990. Saxby
  1991. Saxton
  1992. Saxton
  1993. Saxton
  1994. Saxton
  1995. Schaefer
  1996. Schiff
  1997. Schroeder
  1998. oeder
  1999. Schumer
  2000. Scott
  2001. Scotty
  2002. Seastrand
  2003. Sensenbrenner
  2004. Serrano
  2005. Shadegg
  2006. Shepherd
  2007. Sherrod
  2008. Sherwood
  2009. Shuster
  2010. Sidney
  2011. Sisisky
  2012. Skaggs
  2013. Skeen
  2014. Skelton
  2015. Slattery
  2016. Slaughter
  2017. Smith
  2018. Snowe
  2019. Solomon
  2020. Sonny
  2021. Spence
  2022. Spencer
  2023. Spratt
  2024. Stark
  2025. Stearns
  2026. Stenholm
  2027. Steny
  2028. Stephen
  2029. Steve
  2030. Steven
  2031. Stokes
  2032. Strickland
  2033. Studds
  2034. Stump
  2035. Stupak
  2036. Sundquist
  2037. Susan
  2038. Swett
  2039. Sybert
  2040. Talent
  2041. Tanner
  2042. Tauzin
  2043. Taylor
  2044. Tejeda
  2045. Terry
  2046. Thomas
  2047. Thompson
  2048. Thornberry
  2049. Thornton
  2050. Thurman
  2051. Tiahrt
  2052. Tille
  2053. Torkildsen
  2054. Torres
  2055. Torricelli
  2056. Towns
  2057. Traficant
  2058. Tucker
  2059. Underwood
  2060. Upton
  2061. Velazquez
  2062. Vento
  2063. Vento
  2064. Vucanovich
  2065. Walker
  2066. Wally
  2067. Walsh
  2068. Walte
  2069. Walter
  2070. Waters
  2071. Watts
  2072. Waxman
  2073. Wayne
  2074. Weldon
  2075. Weller
  2076. White
  2077. Whitfield
  2078. Wicker
  2079. William
  2080. Williams
  2081. Wilson
  2082. Woolsey
  2083. Wyden
  2084. Xavier
  2085. Yates
  2086. Young
  2087. Zeliff
  2088. Zimmer
  2089. Andrews
  2090. Applegate
  2091. Archer
  2092. Armey
  2093. Bacchus
  2094. Bachus
  2095. Baesler
  2096. Baker
  2097. Ballenger
  2098. Barca
  2099. Barcia
  2100. Barret
  2101. Barrett
  2102. Bartlett
  2103. Barton
  2104. Bateman
  2105. Becerra
  2106. Bentsen
  2107. Bereuter
  2108. Berman
  2109. Bevill
  2110. Bilbray
  2111. Bilirakis
  2112. Bishop
  2113. Bliley
  2114. Blute
  2115. Boehlert
  2116. Boehner
  2117. Bonilla
  2118. Bonior
  2119. Borski
  2120. Boucher
  2121. Brewster
  2122. Browder
  2123. Brown
  2124. Brownback
  2125. Bryant
  2126. Bunning
  2127. Burton
  2128. Buyer
  2129. Callahan
  2130. Calvert
  2131. Canady
  2132. Cardin
  2133. Castle
  2134. Chabott
  2135. habott
  2136. Clayton
  2137. Clement
  2138. Clinger
  2139. Clyburn
  2140. Coble
  2141. Coburn
  2142. Coleman
  2143. Collins
  2144. Combest
  2145. Condit
  2146. Conyers
  2147. Costello
  2148. Coyne
  2149. Cramer
  2150. Crane
  2151. Crapo
  2152. Cremeans
  2153. Cubin
  2154. Danner
  2155. Davis
  2156. Defazio
  2157. Delauro
  2158. Delay
  2159. Dellums
  2160. Deutsch
  2161. Diaz-balart
  2162. Dickey
  2163. Dicks
  2164. Dingell
  2165. Dixon
  2166. Doggett
  2167. Dooley
  2168. Doolittle
  2169. Dornan
  2170. Doyle
  2171. Dreier
  2172. Duncan
  2173. Durbin
  2174. Edwards
  2175. Ehlers
  2176. Ehrlich
  2177. Eshoo
  2178. Evans
  2179. Everett
  2180. Ewing
  2181. Faleomavaega
  2182. Fawell
  2183. Fazio
  2184. Fields
  2185. Filner
  2186. Fingerhut
  2187. Flake
  2188. Foglietta
  2189. Foley
  2190. Fowler
  2191. Frank
  2192. Franks
  2193. Frost
  2194. Furse
  2195. Gallegly
  2196. Gallo
  2197. Garza
  2198. Gejdenson
  2199. Gekas
  2200. Gephardt
  2201. Geren
  2202. Gibbons
  2203. Gilchrest
  2204. Gillmor
  2205. Gilman
  2206. Gingrich
  2207. Gonzalez
  2208. Goodlatte
  2209. Goodling
  2210. Gordon
  2211. Graham
  2212. Green
  2213. Greenwood
  2214. Gunderson
  2215. Gutierrez
  2216. Gutknecht
  2217. Hamburg
  2218. Hamilton
  2219. Hancock
  2220. Hansen
  2221. Harman
  2222. Hastert
  2223. Hastings
  2224. Hayes
  2225. Hefley
  2226. Hefner
  2227. Heineman
  2228. Herger
  2229. Hileary
  2230. Hillard
  2231. Hinchey
  2232. Hobson
  2233. Hoekstra
  2234. Holden
  2235. Hostettler
  2236. Houghton
  2237. Hoyer
  2238. Hunter
  2239. Hutchinson
  2240. Inglis
  2241. Istook
  2242. Jacobs
  2243. Jefferson
  2244. Johnson
  2245. Johnston
  2246. Jones
  2247. Kanjorski
  2248. Kaptur
  2249. Kasich
  2250. Kelly
  2251. Kennedy
  2252. Kennelly
  2253. Kildee
  2254. Kingston
  2255. Kleczka
  2256. Klink
  2257. Knollenberg
  2258. Kolbe
  2259. Kopetski
  2260. Lafalce
  2261. Lahood
  2262. Lambert
  2263. Lantos
  2264. Largent
  2265. Latham
  2266. Latourette
  2267. Laughlin
  2268. Lazio
  2269. Leach
  2270. Levin
  2271. Lewis
  2272. Lightfoot
  2273. Linder
  2274. Lipinski
  2275. Livingston
  2276. Lobiondo
  2277. Lofgren
  2278. achtley
  2279. Maloney
  2280. Manton
  2281. Manzullo
  2282. Margolies-mezvinsky
  2283. Markey
  2284. Martinez
  2285. Matsui
  2286. Mazzoli
  2287. Mccandless
  2288. Mccloskey
  2289. Mccollum
  2290. Mccrery
  2291. Mccurdy
  2292. Mcdade
  2293. Mcdermott
  2294. Mchale
  2295. Mchugh
  2296. Mcinnis
  2297. Mckeon
  2298. Mckinney
  2299. Mcnulty
  2300. Meehan
  2301. Menendez
  2302. Meyers
  2303. Mfume
  2304. Miller
  2305. Mineta
  2306. Minge
  2307. Moakley
  2308. Molinari
  2309. Mollohan
  2310. Montgomery
  2311. Moorhead
  2312. Moran
  2313. Morella
  2314. Murtha
  2315. Myers
  2316. Myrick
  2317. Nadler
  2318. Nethercutt
  2319. Norton
  2320. orton
  2321. Nussle
  2322. Oberstar
  2323. Olver
  2324. Ortiz
  2325. Orton
  2326. Owens
  2327. Oxley
  2328. Packard
  2329. Pallone
  2330. Parker
  2331. Pastor
  2332. Paxon
  2333. Payne
  2334. Pelosi
  2335. Penny
  2336. Peterson
  2337. Petri
  2338. Petri
  2339. Pickett
  2340. Pombo
  2341. Pomeroy
  2342. Porter
  2343. Portman
  2344. Poshard
  2345. Pryce
  2346. Quillen
  2347. Quinn
  2348. Radanovich
  2349. ovich
  2350. Rangel
  2351. Ravenel
  2352. Regula
  2353. Representative
  2354. Representative
  2355. Representative
  2356. Reynolds
  2357. Richardson
  2358. Ridge
  2359. berts
  2360. Roemermer
  2361. Roemer
  2362. Rogers
  2363. Rohrabacher
  2364. Romero-barcelo
  2365. Ros-lehtinen
  2366. Roukema
  2367. Roybal-allard
  2368. Royce
  2369. Salmon
  2370. Salmon
  2371. Salmon
  2372. Sangmeister
  2373. Santorum
  2374. Sarpalius
  2375. Sawyer
  2376. Saxton
  2377. Schaefer
  2378. Schenk
  2379. Schiff
  2380. Schroeder
  2381. Schumer
  2382. Scott
  2383. Sensenbrenner
  2384. Serrano
  2385. Sharp
  2386. Shays
  2387. Shepherd
  2388. Shuster
  2389. Sisisky
  2390. Skaggs
  2391. Skeen
  2392. Skelton
  2393. Slattery
  2394. Slaughter
  2395. Smith
  2396. Solomon
  2397. Souder
  2398. Spence
  2399. Spratt
  2400. Stark
  2401. Stearns
  2402. Stenholm
  2403. Stockman
  2404. Stokes
  2405. Studds
  2406. Stump
  2407. Stupak
  2408. Sybert
  2409. Sybert
  2410. Tanner
  2411. Tauzin
  2412. Taylor
  2413. Tejeda
  2414. Thomas
  2415. Thompson
  2416. Thornton
  2417. Thurman
  2418. Torkildsen
  2419. Torres
  2420. Torricelli
  2421. Towns
  2422. Traficant
  2423. Tucker
  2424. Underwood
  2425. Unsoeld
  2426. Upton
  2427. Valentine
  2428. Velazquez
  2429. Vento
  2430. Visclosky
  2431. Volkmer
  2432. Vucanovich
  2433. Walker
  2434. Walsh
  2435. Waters
  2436. Watts
  2437. Waxman
  2438. Weldon
  2439. Weller
  2440. White
  2441. Whitfield
  2442. Wicker
  2443. Williams
  2444. Wilson
  2445. Woolsey
  2446. Wyden
  2447. Yates
  2448. Young
  2449. Zeliff
  2450. Zimmer
  2451. Annagram
  2452. Boehlert
  2453. Bozrah
  2454. Chtaylor
  2455. Congehlr
  2456. Crose
  2457. Cshays
  2458. Cstearns
  2459. Davecamp
  2460. Dhastert
  2461. Dzimmer
  2462. Emailpat
  2463. Emailpatpatatpatt
  2464. Hamburg
  2465. Hokemail
  2466. House
  2467. Emailpat
  2468. House
  2469. Istook
  2470. Jconyers
  2471. Jdickey
  2472. Melmail
  2473. Pdeutsch
  2474. Petemail
  2475. Samtx03
  2476. Shepherd
  2477. Skaggs
  2478. Talk2bob
  2479. 202-225-2635J
  2480. 202-225-2607
  2481. ance, and Urban Affairs
  2482. Government Operations
  2483. Natural ResourcesL
  2484. Craig ThomasQ
  2485. Dear Representative Thomas,
  2486. e Byrne,
  2487. sentative Ridge,
  2488. 11/11/94
  2489. BILLNAME
  2490. BILLNUM
  2491.     COMMITTEE
  2492. DCFAX
  2493. DCPHONE
  2494. DISTRICT
  2495. FIRST
  2496. INTERNET
  2498. MIDDLE
  2499. NOTES
  2500. PARTY
  2501. ILLNAME
  2502. BILLNUM
  2503.     COMMITTEE
  2504. DCFAX
  2505. DCPHONE
  2506. DISTRICT
  2507. FIRST
  2508. INTERNET
  2510. MIDDLE
  2511. NOTES
  2512. PARTY
  2513. ILLNAME
  2514. BILLNUM
  2515.     COMMITTEE
  2516. DCFAX
  2517. DCPHONE
  2518. DISTRICT
  2519. FIRST
  2520. INTERNET
  2522. MIDDLE
  2523. NOTES
  2524. PARTY
  2527. STATE
  2528. TERMS
  2529. FirstB
  2530. MiddleB
  2531. LastB
  2532. StateB
  2533. DistrictB
  2534. TermsB
  2535. NotesB
  2536. A    CommitteeB
  2537. House Administration
  2538. Agriculture
  2539. Appropriations
  2540. Armed Services
  2541. Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  2542. Budget
  2543. District of Columbia
  2544. Education & Labor
  2545. Energy & Commerce
  2546. Foreign Affairs
  2547. Government Operations
  2548. Joint EcoB
  2549. nomic
  2550. Joint Taxation
  2551. Judiciary
  2552. Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  2553. Natural Resources
  2554. Standard of Official Conduct
  2555. Post Office & Civil Service
  2556. Public Works & Transportation
  2557. Rules
  2558. Science, Space, & Technology
  2559. Select Comm
  2560.     CBittee on Intelligence
  2561. Small Business
  2562. Veterans Affairs
  2563. Ways & Means
  2564. DCPhoneB
  2565. DCFaxB
  2566. PartyB
  2567. RepresentativeB
  2568. A5First & " " & If (Middle 
  2569.  "",Middle & " ","") & Last
  2570. BillNumB
  2571. BillNameB
  2572. VoteB
  2573. Against
  2574. LetterTextB
  2575. SalutationB
  2576. A#"Dear Representative " & Last & ","
  2577. Dear Representative &
  2578. InternetB
  2579. lPATH
  2580. ?RPTH
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  2584. 103rd Senate
  2585. FMPRFMPR
  2586. Congress 103 1.3c
  2587. ?Generation Y:HiredB2 Gun:Shareware:Congress 103 1.3c:103rd Senate
  2588. Generation Y
  2589. 103rd Senate
  2590. FMPRFMPR
  2591. Congress 103 1.3c
  2592. ?Generation Y:HiredB2 Gun:Shareware:Congress 103 1.3c:103rd Senate
  2593. :103RD SENATE
  2594. lPATH
  2595. @RPTH
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  2598. 3-across Labels
  2599. About
  2600. SingleB
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  2607. No. of Terms
  2608. DC Fax
  2609. Internet
  2610. E    List View
  2611. Party
  2612. Notes
  2613. No. of Terms
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  2617. Voting Record
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  2635. EuClick on State or Representative
  2636. s name to zoom to individual record. 
  2637. Clicking on header buttons sort by that order.
  2638. District
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  2647. DNV=Did Not Vote
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  2650. Committee ListB
  2651. Yesf th
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  2660. Dist.
  2661. Form Letter
  2662. The Honorable
  2663. E;United States House of Representatives
  2664. Washington, DC 20515
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  2668. EIClick the committee(s) you are looking for and press the Continue button.
  2669. EnvelopeB
  2670. The Honorable
  2671. E;United States House of Representatives
  2672. Washington, DC 20515
  2673. 3-across LabelsB
  2674. The Honorable
  2675. E;United States House of Representatives
  2676. Washington, DC 20515
  2677. AboutB
  2678. About This File
  2679. November 1, 1994
  2680. This database contains the names, party affiliations, phone numbers, fax numbers, and committee assignments of the 104th United States House of Representatives.  There are buttons and scripts the names, party affiliations, phone numbers, fax numbers, and committee assignments of the 104th United States House of Representatives.  There are buttons and scripts t
  2681. her sources. The set is shareware  ($30.00 per CPU). Any suggestions or feedback would be highly appreciated.
  2682. Color is optimized for those viewing in 256 or more colors or greyscale 
  2683.  in case you need to tweakE
  2684.  anything for your personal use. However, you may not distribute any customized versions of this file. Commercial PD/shareware/CD-ROM BBS distribution companies are prohibited from including this file on any me
  2685. hat will help you extract the names of those serving on the various committees, get party lists, as well as  print labels and envelopes. There are also blank layouts to help you create form letters plus keep trC
  2686. ack of voting records on any legislation that may concern you.
  2687. This is Part I of a two-part House and Senate 
  2688. Congress 104
  2689.  set which should have been included in the archive you downloaded or received from ot
  2690. Single View
  2691. E    List View
  2692. Internet: tompet@fx.net
  2693. Design 
  2694.  1993-1994 TM Petaccia. 
  2695. Single View
  2696. E    List View
  2697. SonnyC
  2698. CallahanD
  2699. AlabamaE
  2700. AppropriationsI
  2701. 202-225-4931J
  2702. 202-225-0562K
  2703. Sonny CallahanQ
  2704. Dear Representative Callahan,
  2705. TerryC
  2706. EverettD
  2707. AlabamaE
  2708. Armed Services
  2709. Veterans AffairsI
  2710. 202-225-2901K
  2711. Terry EverettQ
  2712. Dear Representative Everett,
  2713. GlenC
  2714. BrowderD
  2715. AlabamaE
  2716. 4H+Armed Services
  2717. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  2718. 202-225-3261J
  2719. 202-225-9020K
  2720. Glen BrowderH+Armed Services
  2721. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  2722. 202-225-3261J
  2723. 202-225-9020K
  2724. Glen Browder
  2725. Dear Representative Browder,
  2726. BevillD
  2727. AlabamaE
  2728. AppropriationsI
  2729. 202-225-4876J
  2730. 202-225-0842K
  2731. Tom BevillQ
  2732. Dear Representative Bevill,
  2733. RobertB
  2734. CramerD
  2735. AlabamaE
  2736. 3H[Public Works & Transportation
  2737. Science, Space, & Technology
  2738. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  2739. 202-225-4801J
  2740. 202-225-4392K
  2741. Robert E. CramerQ
  2742. Dear Representative Cramer,
  2743. SpencerC
  2744. BachusD
  2745. AlabamaE
  2746. 2H4Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  2747. Veterans AffairsI
  2748. 202-225-4921J
  2749. 202-225-2082K
  2750. Spencer Bachus
  2751. Dear Representative Bachus,
  2752. EarlC
  2753. HillardD
  2754. AlabamaE
  2755. Agriculture
  2756. Small BusinessI
  2757. 202-225-2665K
  2758. Earl HillardQ
  2759. Dear Representative Hillard,
  2760. YoungD
  2761. AlaskaE
  2762. 12HIMerchant Marine & Fisheries
  2763. Natural Resources
  2764. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  2765. 202-225-5765J
  2766. 202-225-9288K
  2767. RL    Don YoungQ
  2768. Dear Representative Young,
  2769. F.H.C
  2770. FaleomavaegaD
  2771. American SamoaE
  2772. Del.F
  2773. 4H3Education & Labor
  2774. Foreign Affairs
  2775. Natural ResourcesI
  2776. 202-225-8577J
  2777. 202-225-8757K
  2778. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega
  2779. Q!Dear Representative Faleomavaega,
  2780. MattC
  2781. SalmonD
  2782. ArizonaE
  2783. Matt SalmonQ
  2784. Dear Representative Salmon,
  2785. PastorD
  2786. ArizonaE
  2787. AppropriationsI
  2788. 202-225-4065J
  2789. 202-225-1655K
  2790. DL    Ed PastorQ
  2791. Dear Representative Pastor,
  2792. StumpD
  2793. ArizonaE
  2794. 10H Armed Services
  2795. Veterans' AffairsI
  2796. 202-225-4576J
  2797. 202-225-6328K
  2798. RL    Bob StumpQ
  2799. Dear Representative Stump,
  2800. JohnC
  2801. Shadegg
  2802. JohnC
  2803. Shadegg
  2804. JohnC
  2805. Shadegg
  2806. RL    Bob StumpQ
  2807. Dear Representative Stump,
  2808. Jonntative Stump,
  2809. ArizonaE
  2810. John ShadeggQ
  2811. Dear Representative Shadegg,
  2812. KolbeD
  2813. ArizonaE
  2814. Appropriations
  2815. BudgetI
  2816. 202-225-2542J
  2817. 202-225-0378K
  2818. RL    Jim KolbeQ
  2819. Dear Representative Kolbe,
  2820. KarenC
  2821. EnglishD
  2822. ArizonaE
  2823. 202-225-2190J
  2824. 202-225-8819K
  2825. Karen EnglishQ
  2826. Dear Representative English,
  2827. BlancheC
  2828. LambertD
  2829. ArkansasE
  2830. 2H9Agriculture
  2831. Energy & Commerce
  2832. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  2833. 202-225-4076J
  2834. 202-225-4654K
  2835. D02-225-4654K
  2836. D02-225-4654K
  2837. 202-225-4076J
  2838. 202-225-4654K
  2839. Blanche LambertQ
  2840. Dear Representative Lambert,
  2841. ThorntonD
  2842. ArkansasE
  2843. AppropriationsI
  2844. 202-225-2506J
  2845. 202-225-9273K
  2846. Ray ThorntonQ
  2847. Dear Representative Thornton,
  2848. HutchinsonD
  2849. ArkansasE
  2850. 2H.Public Works & Transportation
  2851. Veterans AffairsI
  2852. 202-225-4301J
  2853. 202-225-1163K
  2854. Tim HutchinsonQ
  2855. Dear Representative Hutchinson,
  2856. DickeyD
  2857. ArkansasE
  2858. 2H,Agriculture
  2859. Natural Resources
  2860. Small BusinessI
  2861. 202-225-3772J
  2862. 202-225-1314K
  2863. Jay DickeyQ
  2864. Dear Representative Dickey,
  2866. HamburgD
  2867. CaliforniaE
  2868. 2H9Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  2869. Public Works & TransportationI
  2870. 202-225-3311J
  2871. 202-225-7710K
  2872. Dan HamburgQ
  2873. Dear Representative Hamburg,R
  2875. 202-225-0996K
  2876. Wally HergerQ
  2877. Dear Representative Herger,
  2878. FazioD
  2879. CaliforniaE
  2880. AppropriationsI
  2881. 202-225-5716J
  2882. 202-225-0354K
  2883. Vic H. FazioQ
  2884. Dear Representative Fazio,
  2885. JohnB
  2886. T.C    DoolittleD
  2887. CaliforniaE
  2888. Agriculture
  2889. Natural ResourcesI
  2890. 202-225-2511J
  2891. 202-225-5444K
  2892. John T. DoolittleQ
  2893. Dear Representative Doolittle,
  2894. RobertB
  2895. MatsuiD
  2896. CaliforniaE
  2897. Ways & MeansI
  2898. 202-225-7163J
  2899. 202-225-5467K
  2900. Robert T. MatsuiQ
  2901. Dear Representative Matsui,
  2902. LynnC
  2903. WoolseyD
  2904. CaliforniaE
  2905. 2HDEducation & Labor
  2906. Government Operations
  2907. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  2908. 202-225-5161K
  2909. Lynn WoolseyQ
  2910. Dear Representative Woolsey,
  2911. GeorgeC
  2912. MillerD
  2913. CaliforniaE
  2914. H.Education & Labor
  2915. Natural Resources (chairman)I
  2916. 202-225-2095J
  2917. 202-225-5609K
  2918. George MillerQ
  2919. Dear Representative Miller,R
  2921. NancyC
  2922. PelosiD
  2923. CaliforniaE
  2924. 5HMAppropriations
  2925. Standards of Official Conduct
  2926. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  2927. 202-225-4965J
  2928. 202-225-8259K
  2929. Nancy PelosiQ
  2930. Dear Representative Pelosi,
  2931. RonaldB
  2932. DellumsD
  2933. CaliforniaE
  2934. Armed Services (chairman)I
  2935. 202-225-2661J
  2936. 202-225-9817K
  2937. Ronald V. DellumsQ
  2938. Dear Representative Dellums,
  2939. WilliamB
  2940. BakerD
  2941. CaliforniaE
  2942. 2H:Public Works & Transportation
  2943. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  2944. 202-225-1880J
  2945. 202-225-2150K
  2946. William P. BakerQ
  2947. Dear Representative Baker,
  2948. RichardB
  2949. PomboD
  2950. CaliforniaE
  2951. 2H9Agriculture
  2952. Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  2953. Natural ResourcesI
  2954. 202-225-1947K
  2955. Richard W. PomboQ
  2956. Dear Representative Pombo,
  2957. LantosD
  2958. CaliforniaE
  2959. 8H%Foreign Affairs
  2960. Government OperationsI
  2961. 202-225-3531J
  2962. 202-225-3127K
  2963. Tom LantosQ
  2964. Dear Representative Lantos,
  2965. FortneyB
  2966. StarkD
  2967. CaliforniaE
  2968. 12H;District of Columbia (chairman)
  2969. Joint Economic
  2970. Ways & MeansI
  2971. 202-225-5065K
  2972. Fortney H. StarkQ
  2973. Dear Representative Stark,R
  2975. AnnaB
  2976. EshooD
  2977. CaliforniaE
  2978. 2H8Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  2979. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  2980. 202-225-8104J
  2981. 202-225-8890K
  2982. Anna G. EshooQ
  2983. Dear Representative Eshoo,R
  2985. NormanB
  2986. MinetaD
  2987. CaliforniaE
  2988. 11H(Public Works & Transportation (chairman)I
  2989. 202-225-2631K
  2990. Norman Y. MinetaQ
  2991. Dear Representative Mineta,
  2992. LofgrenD
  2993. CaliforniaE
  2994. Zoe LofgrenQ
  2995. Dear Representative Lofgren,
  2996. BillC
  2997. McCampbellD
  2998. CaliforniaE
  2999. 1GCVacant seat due to the appointment of Leon Panetta as OMB Director.K
  3000. Bill McCampbellill McCampbellill McCampbellill McCampbellA
  3001. GaryC
  3002. ConditD
  3003. CaliforniaE
  3004. 3H!Agriculture
  3005. Government OperationsI
  3006. 202-225-6131J
  3007. 202-225-0819K
  3008. Gary ConditQ
  3009. Dear Representative Condit,
  3010. RichardB
  3011. LehmanD
  3012. CaliforniaE
  3013. George RadanovichQ
  3014. Dear Representative Radanovich,
  3015. CalvinC
  3016. DooleyD
  3017. CaliforniaE
  3018. 3HAAgriculture
  3019. Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  3020. Natural ResourcesI
  3021. 202-225-3341J
  3022. 202-225-9308K
  3023. Calvin DooleyQ
  3024. Dear Representative Dooley,
  3025. WilliamB
  3026. ThomasD
  3027. CaliforniaE
  3028. 9H!House Administration
  3029. Ways & MeansI
  3030. 202-225-2915J
  3031. 202-225-8798K
  3032. William M. ThomasQ
  3033. Dear Representative Thomas,
  3034. AndreaC    SeastrandD
  3035. CaliforniaE
  3036. 22CaliforniaE
  3037. 22CaliforniaE
  3038. 2222chaelC
  3039. HuffingtonD
  3040. CaliforniaE
  3041. Andrea SeastrandQ
  3042. Dear Representative Seastrand,
  3043. EltonC
  3044. GalleglyD
  3045. CaliforniaE
  3046. 5H+Foreign Affairs
  3047. Judiciary
  3048. Natural ResourcesI
  3049. 202-225-5811J
  3050. 202-225-0713K
  3051. Elton GalleglyQ
  3052. Dear Representative Gallegly,
  3053. RichC
  3054. SybertD
  3055. CaliforniaE
  3056. Rich SybertQ
  3057. Dear Representative Sybert,
  3058. HowardB
  3059. McKeonD
  3060. CaliforniaE
  3061. 3iforniaE
  3062. 3iforniaE
  3063. 3iforniaE
  3064. 2iforniaE
  3065. 2enson,
  3066. HowardB
  3067. McKeonD
  3068. CaliforniaE
  3069. /H/Education & Labor
  3070. Public Works & TransportationI
  3071. 202-225-1956J
  3072. 202-226-0683K
  3073. Howard 
  3074.  McKeonQ
  3075. Dear Representative McKeon,
  3076. HowardB
  3077. BermanD
  3078. CaliforniaE
  3079. 7H2Budget
  3080. Foreign Affairs
  3081. Judiciary
  3082. Natural ResourcesI
  3083. 202-225-4695J
  3084. 202-225-5279K
  3085. Howard L. BermanQ
  3086. Dear Representative Berman,
  3087. CarlosB
  3088. MoorheadD
  3089. CaliforniaE
  3090. Energy & Commerce
  3091. Judiciary
  3092. 202-225-4176J
  3093. 202-225-1279K
  3094. Carlos J. MoorheadQ
  3095. Dear Representative Moorhead,
  3096. DavidC
  3097. DreierD
  3098. CaliforniaE
  3099. RulesI
  3100. 202-225-2305J
  3101. 202-225-7018K
  3102. David DreierQ
  3103. Dear Representative Dreier,
  3104. HenryB
  3105. WaxmanD
  3106. CaliforniaE
  3107. 11H'Energy & Commerce
  3108. Government OperationsI
  3109. 202-225-3976J
  3110. 202-225-4099K
  3111. Henry A. WaxmanQ
  3112. Dear Representative Waxman,
  3113. XavierC
  3114. BecerraD
  3115. CaliforniaE
  3116. 2H8Education & Labor
  3117. Judiciary
  3118. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  3119. 202-225-6235J
  3120. 202-225-2202K
  3121. Xavier BecerraQ
  3122. Dear Representative Becerra,
  3123. MatthewB
  3124. MartinezD
  3125. CaliforniaE
  3126. 5H!Education & Labor
  3127. Foreign AffairsI
  3128. 202-225-5464J
  3129. 202-225-5467K
  3130. Matthew G. MartinezQ
  3131. Dear Representative Martinez,
  3132. JulianB
  3133. DixonD
  3134. CaliforniaE
  3135. 9H/Appropriations
  3136. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  3137. 202-225-7084J
  3138. 202-225-4091K
  3139. Julian C. DixonQ
  3140. Dear Representative Dixon,
  3141. LucilleC
  3142. Roybal-AllardD
  3143. CaliforniaE
  3144. 2H2Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  3145. Small BusinessI
  3146. 202-225-1766J
  3147. 202-226-0350K
  3148. Lucille Roybal-AllardQ"Dear Representative Roybal-Allard,
  3149. EstebanB
  3150. Edward
  3151. TorresD
  3152. CaliforniaE
  3153. AppropriationsI
  3154. 202-225-5256J
  3155. 202-225-9711K
  3156. Esteban Edward TorresQ
  3157. Dear Representative Torres,
  3158. MaxineC
  3159. WatersD
  3160. CaliforniaE
  3161. 3HCBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  3162. Small Business
  3163. Veterans AffairsI
  3164. 202-225-2201J
  3165. 202-225-7854K
  3166. Maxine WatersQ
  3167. Dear Representative Waters,
  3168. JaneC
  3169. HarmanD
  3170. CaliforniaE
  3171. 1H+Armed Services
  3172. Science, Space, & TechnologyK
  3173. Jane HarmanQ
  3174. Dear Representative Harman,
  3175. WalterB
  3176. Tucker IIIR.C
  3177. Tucker IIIR.C
  3178. Tucker III
  3179. CaliforniaE
  3180. 2H,Public Works & Transportation
  3181. Small BusinessI
  3182. 202-225-7924J
  3183. 202-225-7926K
  3184. Walter R. Tucker IIIQ
  3185. Dear Representative Tucker III,
  3186. StephenC
  3187. HornD
  3188. CaliforniaE
  3189. 2H3Government Operations
  3190. Public Works & TransportationI
  3191. 202-225-6676J
  3192. 202-225-5574K
  3193. Stephen HornQ
  3194. Dear Representative Horn,
  3195. EdwardB
  3196. RoyceD
  3197. CaliforniaE
  3198. 2H,Foreign Affairs
  3199. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  3200. 202-225-4111J
  3201. 202-226-0335K
  3202. Edward R. RoyceQ
  3203. Dear Representative Royce,
  3204. JerryC
  3205. Lewis
  3206. CaliforniaE
  3207. 9H/Appropriations
  3208. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  3209. 202-225-5861J
  3210. 202-225-6498K
  3211. Jerry LewisQ
  3212. Dear Representative Lewis,
  3213. CaliforniaE
  3214. 2H,Public Works & Transportation
  3215. Small BusinessI
  3216. 202-225-3201J
  3217. 202-226-1485K
  3218. Jay KimQ
  3219. Dear Representative Kim,
  3220. GeorgeB
  3221. BrownD
  3222. CaliforniaE
  3223. 11H3Agriculture
  3224. Science, Space, & Technology (chairman)I
  3225. 202-225-6161J
  3226. 202-225-8671K
  3227. George E. BrownQ
  3228. Dear Representative Brown,
  3229. CalvertD
  3230. CaliforniaE
  3231. AH.Natural Resources
  3232. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  3233. 202-225-1986K
  3234. Ken CalvertQ
  3235. Dear Representative Calvert,
  3236. SonnyC
  3237. BonoD
  3238. CaliforniaE
  3239. Sonny BonoQ
  3240. Dear Representative Bono,
  3241. DanaC
  3242. RohrabacherD
  3243. CaliforniaE
  3244. 4HADistrict of Columbia
  3245. Foreign Affairs
  3246. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  3247. 202-225-2415J
  3248. 202-225-0145K
  3249. Dana RohrabacherQ Dear Representative Rohrabacher,
  3250. Roberter,
  3251. Roberter,
  3252. RobertRobertRobertRobertttna RohrabacherQ Dear Representative Rohrabacher,
  3253. Robert
  3254. DornanD
  3255. CaliforniaE
  3256. 6H/Armed Services
  3257. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  3258. 202-225-2965J
  3259. 202-225-3694K
  3260. Robert K. DornanQ
  3261. Dear Representative Dornan,
  3262. ChristopherC
  3263. CaliforniaE
  3264. 4H+Budget
  3265. Government Operations
  3266. Joint EconomicI
  3267. 202-225-5611J
  3268. 202-225-9177K
  3269. C. Christopher CoxQ
  3270. Dear Representative Cox,
  3271. PackardD
  3272. CaliforniaE
  3273. AppropriationsI
  3274. 202-225-3906J
  3275. 202-225-0134K
  3276. Ron PackardQ
  3277. Dear Representative Packard,
  3278. BrianC
  3279. BilbrayD
  3280. CaliforniaE
  3281. Brian BilbrayQ
  3282. Dear Representative Bilbray,
  3283. FilnerD
  3284. CaliforniaE
  3285. 2H.Public Works & Transportation
  3286. Veterans AffairsI
  3287. 202-225-8045J
  3288. 202-225-9073K
  3289. Bob FilnerQ
  3290. Dear Representative Filner,
  3291. RandyB
  3292. CunninghamD
  3293. CaliforniaE
  3294. 3H<Armed Services
  3295. Education & Labor
  3296. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  3297. 202-225-5452J
  3298. 202-225-2558K
  3299. Randy 
  3300.  CunninghamQ
  3301. Dear Representative Cunningham,
  3302. DuncanC
  3303. HunterDuncanC
  3304. HunterDuncanC
  3305. Hunterepresentative Cunningham,
  3306. DuncanC
  3307. Hunter
  3308. CaliforniaE
  3309. Armed ServicesI
  3310. 202-225-5672J
  3311. 202-225-0235K
  3312. Duncan HunterQ
  3313. Dear Representative Hunter,
  3314. PatriciaC    SchroederD
  3315. ColoradoE
  3316. 12H4Armed Services
  3317. Judiciary
  3318. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  3319. 202-225-4431J
  3320. 202-225-5842K
  3321. Patricia SchroederQ
  3322. Dear Representative Schroeder,
  3323. DavidB
  3324. SkaggsD
  3325. ColoradoE
  3326. 5H/Appropriations
  3327. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  3328. 202-225-2161J
  3329. 202-225-9127K
  3330. David E. SkaggsQ
  3331. Dear Representative Skaggs,R
  3333. ColoradoE
  3334. MH Natural Resources
  3335. Small BusinessI
  3336. 202-225-4761J
  3337. 202-226-0622K
  3338. Scott McInnisQ
  3339. Dear Representative McInnis,
  3340. WayneC
  3341. AllardD
  3342. ColoradoE
  3343. 3H$Agriculture
  3344. Budget
  3345. Natural ResourcesI
  3346. 202-225-4676J
  3347. 202-225-8630K
  3348. Wayne AllardQ
  3349. Dear Representative Allard,
  3350. JoelC
  3351. HefleyD
  3352. ColoradoE
  3353. 5H/Armed Services
  3354. Natural Resources
  3355. Small BusinessI
  3356. 202-225-4422J
  3357. 202-225-1942K
  3358. Joel HefleyQ
  3359. Dear Representative Hefley,
  3360. SchaeferD
  3361. ColoradoE
  3362. Energy & CommerceI
  3363. 202-225-7882J
  3364. 202-225-7885K
  3365. Dan SchaeferQ
  3366. Dear Representative Schaefer,
  3367. BarbaraB
  3368. KennellyD
  3369. ConnecticutE
  3370. 8H(House Administration
  3371. Budget
  3372. Ways & MeansI
  3373. 202-225-2265J
  3374. 202-225-1031K
  3375. Barbara B. KennellyQ
  3376. Dear Representative Kennelly,
  3377. SamC    GejdensonD
  3378. ConnecticutE
  3379. 8H6House Administration
  3380. Foreign Affairs
  3381. Natural ResourcesI
  3382. 202-225-2076J
  3383. 202-225-4977K
  3384. Sam GejdensonQ
  3385. Dear Representative Gejdenson,R
  3387. RosaB
  3388. DelauroD
  3389. ConnecticutE
  3390. AppropriationsI
  3391. 202-225-3661J
  3392. 202-225-4890
  3393. Rosa L. DelauroQ
  3394. Dear Representative Delauro,
  3395. ChristopherC
  3396. ShaysD
  3397. ConnecticutE
  3398. Budget
  3399. Government OperationsI
  3400. 202-225-5541J
  3401. 202-225-9629K
  3402. Christopher ShaysQ
  3403. Dear Representative Shays,R
  3405. gy & CommerceI
  3406. 202-225-3822J
  3407. 202-225-5085K
  3408. Gary A. FranksQ
  3409. Dear Representative Franks,
  3410. NancyB
  3411. JohnsonD
  3412. ConnecticutE
  3413. 6H*Standards of Official Conduct
  3414. Ways & MeansI
  3415. 202-225-4476J
  3416. 202-225-4488K
  3417. Nancy L. Johnson
  3418. Dear Representative Johnson,
  3419. MichaelB
  3420. CastleD
  3421. DelawareE
  3422. 2H?Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  3423. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  3424. 202-225-4165J
  3425. 202-225-2291K
  3426. Michael N. CastleQ
  3427. Dear Representative Castle,
  3428. EleanorB
  3429. HolmesC
  3430. NortonD
  3431. District of ColumbiaE
  3432. 3HNDistrict of Columbia
  3433. Post Office & Civil Service
  3434. Public Works & TransportationI
  3435. 202-225-8050J
  3436. 202-225-3002K
  3437. Eleanor Holmes NortonQ
  3438. Dear Representative Norton,
  3439. ScarbororoughD
  3440. FloridaE
  3441. Joe ScarbororoughQ"Dear Representative Scarbororough,
  3442. DouglasB
  3443. PetersonD
  3444. FloridaE
  3445. AppropriationsI
  3446. 202-225-5235J
  3447. 202-225-1586K
  3448. Douglas 
  3449.  PetersonQ
  3450. Dear Representative Peterson,
  3451. CorineC
  3452. BrownD
  3453. FloridaE
  3454. 2HDGovernment Operations
  3455. Public Works & Transportation
  3456. Veterans AffairsI
  3457. 202-225-0123J
  3458. 202-225-2256K
  3459. Corine BrownQ
  3460. Dear Representative Brown,
  3461. TilleB
  3462. FowlerD
  3463. FloridaE
  3464. FloridaE
  3465. FloridaE
  3466. 2 Brown,
  3467. TilleB
  3468. FowlerD
  3469. FloridaE
  3470. \H*Armed Services
  3471. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  3472. 202-225-2501J
  3473. 202-225-9318K
  3474. Tille K. FowlerQ
  3475. Dear Representative Fowler,
  3476. KarenB
  3477. ThurmanD
  3478. FloridaE
  3479. 2H!Agriculture
  3480. Government OperationsI
  3481. 202-225-1002J
  3482. 202-226-0329K
  3483. Karen L. ThurmanQ
  3484. Dear Representative Thurman,
  3485. CliffC
  3486. StearnsD
  3487. FloridaE
  3488. Energy & CommerceI
  3489. 202-225-5744J
  3490. 202-225-3973K
  3491. Cliff StearnsQ
  3492. Dear Representative Stearns,R
  3494. FloridaE
  3495. 1H3Government Operations
  3496. Public Works & Transportation
  3497. 202-225-4035J
  3498. 202-226-0821K
  3499. John L. MicaQ
  3500. Dear Representative Mica,
  3501. BillC
  3502. McCollumD
  3503. FloridaE
  3504. 8H-Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  3505. JudiciaryI
  3506. 202-225-2176J
  3507. 202-225-0999K
  3508. Bill McCollumQ
  3509. Dear Representative McCollum,
  3510. MichaelC    BilirakisD
  3511. FloridaE
  3512. 7H"Energy & Commerce
  3513. Veterans AffairsI
  3514. 202-225-5755J
  3515. 202-225-4085K
  3516. Michael BilirakisQ
  3517. Dear Representative Bilirakis,
  3518. C.W.B
  3519. BillC
  3520. YoungD
  3521. FloridaE
  3522. 13H/Appropriations
  3523. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  3524. 202-225-5961
  3525. 202-225-9764K
  3526. C.W. Bill YoungQ
  3527. Dear Representative Young,
  3528. GibbonsD
  3529. FloridaE
  3530. Joint Taxation
  3531. Ways & MeansI
  3532. 202-225-3376K
  3533. Sam GibbonsQ
  3534. Dear Representative Gibbons,
  3535. CharlesB
  3536. CanadyD
  3537. FloridaE
  3538. Agriculture
  3539. JudiciaryI
  3540. 202-225-1252J
  3541. 202-225-2279K
  3542. Charles T. CanadyQ
  3543. Dear Representative Canady,
  3544. MillerD
  3545. FloridaE
  3546. Budget
  3547. Education & LaborI
  3548. 202-225-5015J
  3549. 202-226-0828K
  3550. Dan MillerQ
  3551. Dear Representative Miller,
  3552. PorterB
  3553. GossD
  3554. FloridaE
  3555. fH#Standards of Official Conduct
  3556. RulesI
  3557. 202-225-2536J
  3558. 202-225-6820K
  3559. Porter J. GossQ
  3560. Dear Representative Goss,
  3561. DaveC
  3562. WeldonD
  3563. FloridaE
  3564. Dave WeldonQ
  3565. Dear Representative Weldon,
  3566. MarkC
  3567. FoleyD
  3568. FloridaE
  3569. Mark FoleyQ
  3570. Dear Representative Foley,
  3571. CarrieB
  3572. MeekD
  3573. FloridaE
  3574. AppropriationsI
  3575. 202-225-4506I
  3576. 202-225-4506I
  3577. 202-225-4506I
  3578. 202-225-4506I
  3579. 202-225-4506idaE
  3580. AppropriationsI
  3581. 202-225-4506
  3582. CarrieB
  3583. MeekD
  3584. FloridaE
  3585. AppropriationsI
  3586. 202-225-4506666
  3587. 202-226-0777K
  3588. Carrie P. MeekQ
  3589. Dear Representative Meek,
  3590. IleanaC
  3591. Ros-LehtinenD
  3592. FloridaE
  3593. 4H%Foreign Affairs
  3594. Government OperationsI
  3595. 202-225-3931J
  3596. 202-225-5620K
  3597. Ileana Ros-LehtinenQ!Dear Representative Ros-Lehtinen,
  3598. HarryC
  3599. Johnston IID
  3600. FloridaE
  3601. Budget
  3602. Foreign AffairsI
  3603. 202-225-3001J
  3604. 202-225-8791K
  3605. Harry Johnston IIQ Dear Representative Johnston II,
  3606. PeterC
  3607. DeutschD
  3608. FloridaE
  3609. 2HOBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  3610. Foreign Affairs
  3611. Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  3612. 202-225-7931J
  3613. 202-225-8456K
  3614. Peter DeutschQ
  3615. Dear Representative Deutsch,R
  3617. LincolnC
  3618. Diaz-BalartD
  3619. FloridaE
  3620. 2H+Foreign Affairs
  3621. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  3622. 202-225-4211J
  3623. 202-225-8576K
  3624. Lincoln Diaz-BalartQ Dear Representative Diaz-Balart,
  3625. ClayC    Shaw, Jr.D
  3626. FloridaE
  3627. Ways & MeansI
  3628. 202-225-3026J
  3629. 202-225-8398K
  3630. E. Clay Shaw, Jr.Q
  3631. Dear Representative Shaw, Jr.,
  3632. AlceeB
  3633. HastingsD
  3634. FloridaE
  3635. oHGForeign Affairs
  3636. Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  3637. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  3638. 202-225-1313K
  3639. Alcee L. HastingsQ
  3640. Dear Representative Hastings,
  3641. JackC
  3642. KingstonD
  3643. GeorgiaE
  3644. 3H'Agriculture
  3645. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  3646. 202-225-5831J
  3647. 202-226-2269K
  3648. Jack KingstonQ
  3649. Dear Representative Kingston,
  3650. SanfordB
  3651. BishopD
  3652. GeorgiaE
  3653. 2H8Agriculture
  3654. Post Office & Civil Service
  3655. Veterans AffairsI
  3656. 202-225-3631J
  3657. 202-225-2203K
  3658. Sanford D. BishopQ
  3659. Dear Representative Bishop,
  3660. MichaelB
  3661. Collins
  3662. GeorgiaE
  3663. 3H,Public Works & Transportation
  3664. Small BusinessI
  3665. 202-225-5901J
  3666. 202-225-2515K
  3667. Michael A. CollinsQ
  3668. Dear Representative Collins,
  3669. JohnC
  3670. LinderD
  3671. GeorgiaE
  3672. 3HQBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  3673. Science, Space, & Technology
  3674. Veterans AffairsI
  3675. 202-225-4272K
  3676. John LinderQ
  3677. Dear Representative Linder,
  3678. JohnC
  3679. LewisD
  3680. GeorgiaE
  3681. 6H!District of Columbia
  3682. Ways & MeansI
  3683. 202-225-3801J
  3684. 202-225-0351K
  3685. John LewisQ
  3686. Dear Representative Lewis,
  3687. NewtC
  3688. GingrichD
  3689. GeorgiaE
  3690. Minority WhipH
  3691. House AdministrationI
  3692. 202-225-4501J
  3693. 202-225-4656K
  3694. Newt GingrichQ
  3695. Dear Representative Gingrich,R
  3697. RobertC
  3698. BarrD
  3699. GeorgiaE
  3700. Robert BarrQ
  3701. Dear Representative Barr,
  3702. SaxbyC    ChamblissD
  3703. GeorgiaE
  3704. Saxby ChamblissQ
  3705. Dear Representative Chambliss,
  3706. NathanC
  3707. DealD
  3708. GeorgiaE
  3709. GeorgiaE
  3710. GeorgiaE
  3711. GeorgiaE
  3712. NathanC
  3713. DealD
  3714. GeorgiaE
  3715. 1giaE
  3716. 1ative Rowland,
  3717. NathanC
  3718. DealD
  3719. GeorgiaE
  3720. xHLNatural Resources
  3721. Public Works & Transportation
  3722. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  3723. 202-225-5211J
  3724. 202-225-8272K
  3725. Nathan DealQ
  3726. Dear Representative Deal,
  3727. CharlieC
  3728. NorwoodD
  3729. GeorgiaE
  3730. Charlie NorwoodQ
  3731. Dear Representative Norwood,
  3732. CynthiaB
  3733. McKinneyD
  3734. GeorgiaE
  3735. Agriculture
  3736. Foreign AffairsI
  3737. 202-225-1605J
  3738. 202-226-0691K
  3739. Cynthia A. McKinneyQ
  3740. Dear Representative McKinney,
  3741. RobertB
  3742. A.C    UnderwoodD
  3743. GuamE
  3744. Del.F
  3745. GuamE
  3746. Del.F
  3747. GuamE
  3748. Del.F
  3749. RobertB
  3750. A.C    UnderwoodD
  3751. GuamE
  3752. {H Armed Services
  3753. Natural ResourcesI
  3754. 202-225-1188J
  3755. 202-225-0341K
  3756. Robert A. UnderwoodQ
  3757. Dear Representative Underwood,
  3758. NeilC
  3759. AbercrombieD
  3760. HawaiiE
  3761. 3H Armed Services
  3762. Natural ResourcesI
  3763. 202-225-2726J
  3764. 202-225-4580K
  3765. Neil AbercrombieQ Dear Representative Abercrombie,
  3766. PatsyB
  3767. MinkD
  3768. HawaiiE
  3769. 4H*Budget
  3770. Education & Labor
  3771. Natural ResourcesI
  3772. 202-225-4906J
  3773. 202-225-4987K
  3774. Patsy T. MinkQ
  3775. Dear Representative Mink,
  3776. HelenC    ChenowethD
  3777. IdahoE
  3778. Helen ChenowethQ
  3779. Dear Representative Chenoweth,
  3780. MichaelB
  3781. CrapoD
  3782. IdahoE
  3783. Energy & CommerceI
  3784. 202-225-5531J
  3785. 202-225-8216K
  3786. Michael D. CrapoQ
  3787. Dear Representative Crapo,
  3788. BobbyB
  3789. RushD
  3790. IllinoisE
  3791. 2H9Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  3792. Government OperationsI
  3793. 202-225-4372J
  3794. 202-226-0333K
  3795. Bobby L. RushQ
  3796. Dear Representative Rush,
  3797. ReynoldsD
  3798. IllinoisE
  3799. Ways & MeansI
  3800. 202-225-0773I
  3801. 202-225-0773I
  3802. 202-225-0773eynoldsD
  3803. IllinoisE
  3804. Ways & MeansI
  3805. 202-225-0773
  3806. Mel ReynoldsQ
  3807. Dear Representative Reynolds,
  3808. WilliamB
  3809. LipinskiD
  3810. IllinoisE
  3811. 7H9Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  3812. Public Works & TransportationI
  3813. 202-225-5701J
  3814. 202-225-1012K
  3815. William O. LipinskiQ
  3816. Dear Representative Lipinski,
  3817. LuisB
  3818. V.C    GutierrezD
  3819. IllinoisE
  3820. 2H4Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  3821. Veterans AffairsI
  3822. 202-225-8203J
  3823. 202-225-7810K
  3824. Luis V. GutierrezQ
  3825. Dear Representative Gutierrez,
  3826. MichaelC
  3827. FlanaganD
  3828. IllinoisE
  3829. Michael FlanaganQ
  3830. Dear Representative Flanagan,
  3831. HenryB
  3832. HydeD
  3833. IllinoisE
  3834. Foreign Affairs
  3835. JudiciaryI
  3836. 202-225-4561J
  3837. 202-225-1240K
  3838. Henry J. HydeQ
  3839. Dear Representative Hyde,
  3840. CardissC
  3841. CollinsD
  3842. IllinoisE
  3843. 12H'Energy & Commerce
  3844. Government OperationsI
  3845. 202-225-5006J
  3846. 202-225-8396K
  3847. Cardiss CollinsQ
  3848. Dear Representative Collins,
  3849. PhilipB
  3850. CraneD
  3851. IllinoisE
  3852. 14llinoisE
  3853. 14llinoisE
  3854. 13ollins,
  3855. PhilipB
  3856. CraneD
  3857. IllinoisE
  3858. Joint Taxation
  3859. Ways & MeansI
  3860. 202-225-3711J
  3861. 202-225-7830K
  3862. Philip M. CraneQ
  3863. Dear Representative Crane,
  3864. SidneyB
  3865. YatesD
  3866. IllinoisE
  3867. AppropriationsI
  3868. 202-225-2111J
  3869. 202-225-3493K
  3870. Sidney R. YatesQ
  3871. Dear Representative Yates,
  3872. JohnB
  3873. EdwardC
  3874. PorterD
  3875. IllinoisE
  3876. AppropriationsI
  3877. 202-225-4835J
  3878. 202-225-0157K
  3879. John Edward PorterQ
  3880. Dear Representative Porter,
  3881. GeraldC
  3882. WellerD
  3883. IllinoisE
  3884. 202-225-3635-36353635blic Works & Transportation
  3885. Veterans AffairsI
  3886. 202-225-3635
  3887. Gerald WellerQ
  3888. Dear Representative Weller,
  3889. JerryC
  3890. CostelloD
  3891. IllinoisE
  3892. 5H$Budget
  3893. Public Works & TransportationI
  3894. 202-225-5661J
  3895. 202-225-0285K
  3896. Jerry CostelloQ
  3897. Dear Representative Costello,
  3898. HarrisC
  3899. FawellD
  3900. IllinoisE
  3901. 6H.Education & Labor
  3902. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  3903. 202-225-3515J
  3904. 202-225-9420K
  3905. Harris FawellQ
  3906. Dear Representative Fawell,
  3907. DennisC
  3908. HastertD
  3909. IllinoisE
  3910. 5H'Energy & Commerce
  3911. Government OperationsI
  3912. 202-225-2976I
  3913. 202-225-2976-2976-2976976
  3914. 202-225-0697K
  3915. J. Dennis HastertQ
  3916. Dear Representative Hastert,R
  3918. ThomasB
  3919. EwingD
  3920. IllinoisE
  3921. 3H)Agriculture
  3922. Public Works & TransportationI
  3923. 202-225-2371J
  3924. 202-225-8071K
  3925. Thomas W. EwingQ
  3926. Dear Representative Ewing,
  3927. DonaldC
  3928. ManzulloD
  3929. IllinoisE
  3930. Foreign Affairs
  3931. Small BusinessI
  3932. 202-225-5676J
  3933. 202-225-5284K
  3934. Donald ManzulloQ
  3935. Dear Representative Manzullo,
  3936. LaneC
  3937. EvansD
  3938. IllinoisE
  3939. 7H1Armed Services
  3940. Natural Resources
  3941. Veterans Affairs
  3942. 202-225-5905J
  3943. 202-225-5396K
  3944. Lane EvansQ
  3945. Dear Representative Evans,
  3946. LaHoodD
  3947. IllinoisE
  3948. Minority LeaderK
  3949. Ray LaHoodQ
  3950. Dear Representative LaHood,
  3951. GlennC
  3952. PoshardD
  3953. IllinoisE
  3954. 4H,Public Works & Transportation
  3955. Small BusinessI
  3956. 202-225-5201J
  3957. 202-225-1541K
  3958. Glenn PoshardQ
  3959. Dear Representative Poshard,
  3960. RichardB
  3961. DurbinD
  3962. IllinoisE
  3963. AppropriationsI
  3964. 202-225-5271J
  3965. 202-225-0170K
  3966. Richard J. Durbinhard J. Durbinhard J. Durbinbinrbinbinbinn
  3967. Dear Representative Durbin,
  3968. PeterB
  3969. J.C    ViscloskyD
  3970. IndianaE
  3971. AppropriationsI
  3972. 202-225-2461J
  3973. 202-225-2493K
  3974. Peter J. ViscloskyQ
  3975. Dear Representative Visclosky,
  3976. DavidC
  3977. McIntoshD
  3978. IndianaE
  3979. David McIntoshQ
  3980. Dear Representative McIntosh,
  3981. RoemerD
  3982. IndianaE
  3983. 3H.Education & Labor
  3984. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  3985. 202-225-3915J
  3986. 202-225-6798K
  3987. Tim RoemerQ
  3988. Dear Representative Roemer,
  3989. MarkC
  3990. SouderA
  3991. MarkC
  3992. SouderA
  3993. MarkC
  3994. Souderepresentative Roemer,
  3995. JillC
  3996. Longg
  3997. IndianaE
  3998. Mark SouderQ
  3999. Dear Representative Souder,
  4000. StephenB
  4001. BuyerD
  4002. IndianaE
  4003. Armed Services
  4004. Veterans AffairsI
  4005. 202-225-5037K
  4006. Stephen E. BuyerQ
  4007. Dear Representative Buyer,
  4008. BurtonD
  4009. IndianaE
  4010. 7H<Foreign Affairs
  4011. Post Office & Civil Service
  4012. Veterans AffairsI
  4013. 202-225-2276J
  4014. 202-225-0016K
  4015. Dan BurtonQ
  4016. Dear Representative Burton,
  4017. JohnB
  4018. MyersD
  4019. IndianaE
  4020. 15IndianaE
  4021. 15IndianaE
  4022. MyersD
  4023. IndianaE
  4024. H*Appropriations
  4025. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  4026. 202-225-5805J
  4027. 202-225-1649K
  4028. John T. MyersQ
  4029. Dear Representative Myers,
  4030. JohnC
  4031. HostettlerD
  4032. IndianaE
  4033. John HostettlerQ
  4034. Dear Representative Hostettler,
  4035. HamiltonD
  4036. IndianaE
  4037. 16H*Foreign Affairs (chairman)
  4038. Joint Economic
  4039. 202-225-5313J
  4040. 202-225-1101K
  4041. Lee H. HamiltonQ
  4042. Dear Representative Hamilton,
  4043. AndrewC
  4044. Jacobs, Jr.D
  4045. Indiana, Jr.D
  4046. Indiana, Jr.D
  4047. Indiana Representative Hamilton,
  4048. AndrewC
  4049. Jacobs, Jr.D
  4050. Indiana
  4051. Ways & MeansI
  4052. 202-225-4011K
  4053. Andrew Jacobs, Jr.Q Dear Representative Jacobs, Jr.,
  4054. LeachD
  4055. IowaE
  4056. 10H3Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4057. Foreign AffairsI
  4058. 202-225-6576J
  4059. 202-225-1278K
  4060. RL    Jim LeachQ
  4061. Dear Representative Leach,
  4062. NussleD
  4063. IowaE
  4064. 3H/Agriculture
  4065. Banking, Finance, and Urban AffairsI
  4066. 202-225-2911J
  4067. 202-225-9129K
  4068. Jim NussleQ
  4069. Dear Representative Nussle,
  4070. JimC    LightfootD
  4071. IowaE
  4072. AppropriationsI
  4073. 202-225-3806J
  4074. 202-225-6973K
  4075. Jim Lightfoot
  4076. Dear Representative Lightfoot,
  4077. GregC
  4078. GanskeD
  4079. IowaE
  4080. Greg GanskeQ
  4081. Dear Representative Ganske,
  4082. LathamD
  4083. IowaE
  4084. Tom LathamQ
  4085. Dear Representative Latham,
  4086. RobertsD
  4087. KansasE
  4088. 8H House Administration
  4089. AgricultureI
  4090. 202-225-2715J
  4091. 202-225-5375K
  4092. Pat RobertsQ
  4093. Dear Representative Roberts,R
  4097. SlatteryD
  4098. KansasE
  4099. Sam BrownbackQ
  4100. Dear Representative Brownback,
  4101. MeyersD
  4102. KansasE
  4103. Foreign Affairs
  4104. Small BusinessI
  4105. 202-225-2865J
  4106. 202-225-0554K
  4107. Jan MeyersQ
  4108. Dear Representative Meyers,
  4109. ToddC
  4110. TiahrtD
  4111. KansasE
  4112. Todd TiahrtQ
  4113. Dear Representative Tiahrt,
  4114. EdwardC    WhitfieldD
  4115. KentuckyE
  4116. KentuckyE
  4117. KentuckyE
  4118. KentuckyE
  4119. KentuckyE
  4120. 1-5398K
  4121. Dan GlickmanQ
  4122. Dear Representative Glickman,
  4123. ThomasB
  4124. Barlow IIID
  4125. KentuckyE
  4126. 1homasB
  4127. Barlow IIID
  4128. KentuckyE
  4129. Edward WhitfieldQ
  4130. Dear Representative Whitfield,
  4131. LewisD
  4132. KentuckyE
  4133. RL    Ron LewisQ
  4134. Dear Representative Lewis,
  4135. KentuckyE
  4136. BunningD
  4137. KentuckyE
  4138. 5KentuckyE
  4139. 5KentuckyE
  4140. 5KentuckyE
  4141. 5KentuckyE
  4142. BunningD
  4143. KentuckyE
  4144. 4ckyE
  4145. BunningD
  4146. KentuckyE
  4147. KentuckyE
  4148. 4tuckyE
  4149. 4r Representative Mazzoli,
  4150. BunningD
  4151. KentuckyE
  4152. H1Budget
  4153. Standards of Official Conduct
  4154. Ways & MeansI
  4155. 202-225-3465J
  4156. 202-225-0003K
  4157. Jim BunningQ
  4158. Dear Representative Bunning,
  4159. HaroldC
  4160. RogersD
  4161. KentuckyE
  4162. AppropriationsI
  4163. 202-225-4601J
  4164. 202-225-0940K
  4165. Harold RogersQ
  4166. Dear Representative Rogers,
  4167. ScottyC
  4168. BaeslerD
  4169. KentuckyE
  4170. 2H.Agriculture
  4171. Education & Labor
  4172. Veterans AffairsI
  4173. 202-225-4706J
  4174. 202-225-2122K
  4175. Scotty BaeslerQ
  4176. Dear Representative Baesler,
  4177. LivingstonD    LouisianaE
  4178. 10H#House Administration
  4179. Appropriations
  4180. 202-225-3015J
  4181. 202-225-0739K
  4182. Bob LivingstonQ
  4183. Dear Representative Livingston,
  4184. WilliamB
  4185. J.C    JeffersonD    LouisianaE
  4186. 3H!District of Columbia
  4187. Ways & MeansI
  4188. 202-225-6636J
  4189. 202-225-1988K
  4190. William J. JeffersonQ
  4191. Dear Representative Jefferson,
  4192. W.J.B
  4193. (Billy)C
  4194. TauzinD    LouisianaE
  4195. 8H-Energy & Commerce
  4196. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  4197. 202-225-4031J
  4198. 202-225-0563K
  4199. W.J. (Billy) TauzinQ
  4200. Dear Representative Tauzin,
  4201. CleoC
  4202. FieldsD    LouisianaE
  4203. H2Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4204. Small BusinessI
  4205. 202-225-8490J
  4206. 202-225-8959K
  4207. Cleo FieldsQ
  4208. Dear Representative Fields,
  4209. McCreryD    LouisianaE
  4210. Ways & MeansI
  4211. 202-225-2777J
  4212. 202-225-8039K
  4213. Jim McCreryQ
  4214. Dear Representative McCrery,
  4215. RichardB
  4216. BakerD    LouisianaE
  4217. 5HDBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4218. Natural Resources
  4219. Small BusinessI
  4220. 202-225-3901J
  4221. 202-225-7313K
  4222. Richard H. BakerQ
  4223. Dear Representative Baker,
  4224. JamesB
  4225. HayesD    LouisianaE
  4226. HPGovernment Operations
  4227. Public Works & Transportation
  4228. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4229. 202-225-2031J
  4230. 202-225-8976K
  4231. James A. HayesQ
  4232. Dear Representative Hayes,
  4233. MaineE
  4234.  02-225-9065L
  4235.  02-225-9065L
  4236. Dear Representative Andrews,ndrews, Andrews,ws,ews,drews,Andrews,2-225-9065L
  4237. Thomas H. AndrewsQ
  4238. Dear Representative Andrews,R
  4240. -6306J
  4241. 202-225-8297K
  4242. Olympia J. SnoweQ
  4243. Dear Representative Snowe,
  4244. WayneB
  4245. C    GilchrestD
  4246. MarylandE
  4247. 3H9Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  4248. Public Works & TransportationI
  4249. 202-225-5311J
  4250. 202-225-0254K
  4251. Wayne T. GilchrestQ
  4252. Dear Representative Gilchrest,
  4253. RobertC
  4254. EhrlichD
  4255. MarylandE
  4256. Robert EhrlichQ
  4257. Dear Representative Ehrlich,
  4258. BenjaminB
  4259. CardinD
  4260. MarylandE
  4261. 5H?House Administration
  4262. Standards of Official Conduct
  4263. Ways & MeansI
  4264. 202-225-4016J
  4265. 202-225-9219K
  4266. Benjamin L. Cardinamin L. Cardinamin L. Cardin Cardin. Cardinamin L. Cardin
  4267. Dear Representative Cardin,
  4268. AlbertB
  4269. RussellC
  4270. WynnD
  4271. MarylandE
  4272. 2HOBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4273. Foreign Affairs
  4274. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  4275. 202-225-8699J
  4276. 202-225-8714K
  4277. Albert Russell WynnQ
  4278. Dear Representative Wynn,
  4279. StenyB
  4280. HoyerD
  4281. MarylandE
  4282. 8H#House Administration
  4283. AppropriationsI
  4284. 202-225-4131J
  4285. 202-225-4300K
  4286. Steny H. HoyerQ
  4287. Dear Representative Hoyer,
  4288. RoscoeB
  4289. BartlettD
  4290. MarylandE
  4291. 2H+Armed Services
  4292. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4293. 202-225-2721
  4294. 202-225-2193K
  4295. Roscoe G. BartlettQ
  4296. Dear Representative Bartlett,
  4297. KweisiC
  4298. MfumeD
  4299. MarylandE
  4300. 5H_Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4301. Joint Economic
  4302. Standards of Official Conduct
  4303. Small BusinessI
  4304. 202-225-4741J
  4305. 202-225-3178K
  4306. Kweisi MfumeQ
  4307. Dear Representative Mfume,
  4308. A    ConstanceB
  4309. MorellaD
  4310. MarylandE
  4311. 5H8Post Office & Civil Service
  4312. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4313. 202-225-5341J
  4314. 202-225-1389K
  4315. Constance A. MorellaQ
  4316. Dear Representative Morella,
  4317. JohnB
  4318. OlverD
  4319. Massachusetts
  4320. AppropriationsI
  4321. 202-225-5335J
  4322. 202-225-1224K
  4323. John W. OlverQ
  4324. Dear Representative Olver,
  4325. RichardB
  4326. NealD
  4327. MassachusettsE
  4328. Ways & MeansI
  4329. 202-225-5601J
  4330. 202-225-8112K
  4331. Richard E. NealQ
  4332. Dear Representative Neal,
  4333. PeterC
  4334. BluteD
  4335. MassachusettsE
  4336. 2H:Public Works & Transportation
  4337. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4338. 202-225-6101J
  4339. 202-225-2217K
  4340. Peter BluteQ
  4341. Dear Representative Blute,
  4342. BarneyC
  4343. FrankD
  4344. MassachusettsE
  4345. 8H4Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4346. Budget
  4347. Judiciary
  4348. 202-225-5931J
  4349. 202-225-0182K
  4350. Barney FrankQ
  4351. Dear Representative Frank,
  4352. MartinC
  4353. MeehanD
  4354. MassachusettsE
  4355. Armed Services
  4356. Small BusinessI
  4357. 202-225-3411J
  4358. 202-226-0771K
  4359. Martin MeehanQ
  4360. Dear Representative Meehan,
  4361. PeterB
  4362. TorkildsenD
  4363. MassachusettsE
  4364. Armed Services
  4365. Small BusinessI
  4366. 202-225-8020K
  4367. Peter G. TorkildsenQ
  4368. Dear Representative Torkildsen,
  4369. EdwardB
  4370. MarkeyD
  4371. MassachusettsE
  4372. 11H#Energy & Commerce
  4373. Natural ResourcesI
  4374. 202-225-2836J
  4375. 202-225-8689K
  4376. Edward J. MarkeyQ
  4377. Dear Representative Markey,
  4378. JosephB
  4379. Kennedy IID
  4380. MassachusettsE
  4381. 5H4Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4382. Veterans AffairsI
  4383. 202-225-5111J
  4384. 202-225-9322K
  4385. Joseph P. Kennedy IIQ
  4386. Dear Representative Kennedy II,
  4387. JohnB
  4388. JosephC
  4389. MoakleyD
  4390. MassachusettsE
  4391. Rules (chairman)I
  4392. 202-225-8273J
  4393. 202-225-7804K
  4394. John Joseph MoakleyQ
  4395. Dear Representative Moakley,
  4396. GerryB
  4397. StuddsD
  4398. MassachusettsE
  4399. 12H8Energy & Commerce
  4400. Merchant Marine & Fisheries (chairman)
  4401. 202-225-3111J
  4402. 202-225-2212K
  4403. Gerry E. StuddsQ
  4404. Dear Representative Studds,
  4405. BartC
  4406. StupakD
  4407. MichiganE
  4408. 2H*Armed Services
  4409. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  4410. 202-225-4735J
  4411. 202-225-2212K
  4412. Bart StupakQ
  4413. Dear Representative Stupak,
  4414. PeterC
  4415. HoekstraD
  4416. MichiganE
  4417. 2H/Education & Labor
  4418. Public Works & TransportationI
  4419. 202-225-4401J
  4420. 202-225-0779K
  4421. Peter HoekstraQ
  4422. Dear Representative Hoekstra,
  4423. Vernon
  4424. HenryD
  4425. MichiganE
  4426. 5H.Education & Labor
  4427. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4428. 202-225-3831
  4429. 202-225-5144K
  4430. Vernon EhlersQ
  4431. Dear Representative Ehlers,R
  4433. -9679K
  4434. RL    Dave CampQ
  4435. Dear Representative Camp,R
  4437. JamesB
  4438. BarciaD
  4439. MichiganE
  4440. 1H:Public Works & Transportation
  4441. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4442. 202-225-8171J
  4443. 202-225-2618K
  4444. James A. BarciaQ
  4445. Dear Representative Barcia,
  4446. A    FrederickB
  4447. UptonD
  4448. MichiganE
  4449. Energy & CommerceI
  4450. 202-225-3761J
  4451. 202-225-4986K
  4452. Frederick S. Upton
  4453. Dear Representative Upton,
  4454. NickC
  4455. SmithD
  4456. MichiganE
  4457. 2H#Budget
  4458. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4459. 202-225-6276J
  4460. 202-225-6281K
  4461. Nick SmithQ
  4462. Dear Representative Smith,
  4463. DickC
  4464. ChryslerD
  4465. MichiganE
  4466. Dick ChryslerQ
  4467. Dear Representative Chrysler,
  4468. DaleB
  4469. KildeeD
  4470. MichiganE
  4471. 10H-House Administration
  4472. Budget
  4473. Education & LaborI
  4474. 202-225-3611J
  4475. 202-225-6393K
  4476. Dale E. KildeeQ
  4477. Dear Representative Kildee,
  4478. DavidB
  4479. BoniorD
  4480. MichiganE
  4481. 10chiganE
  4482. 10chiganE
  4483. Majority WhipH
  4484. RulesI
  4485. 202-225-2106J
  4486. 202-225-1169K
  4487. David E. BoniorQ
  4488. Dear Representative Bonior,
  4489. KnollenbergD
  4490. MichiganE
  4491. 2H2Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4492. Small BusinessI
  4493. 202-225-4735J
  4494. 202-226-2356K
  4495. Joe KnollenbergQ Dear Representative Knollenberg,
  4496. SanderB
  4497. LevinD
  4498. MichiganE
  4499. 7H!District of Columbia
  4500. Ways & MeansI
  4501. 202-225-4961J
  4502. 202-225-1033K
  4503. Sander M. LevinQ
  4504. Dear Representative Levin,
  4505. LynnC
  4506. RiversD
  4507. MichiganE
  4508. Education & Labor (chairman))
  4509. Lynn RiversQ
  4510. Dear Representative Rivers,
  4511. JohnC
  4512. Conyers, Jr.D
  4513. MichiganE
  4514. 16H9Government Operations (chairman)
  4515. Judiciary
  4516. Small BusinessI
  4517. 202-225-5126J
  4518. 202-225-0072K
  4519. John Conyers, Jr.Q!Dear Representative Conyers, Jr.,R
  4521. BarbaraB
  4522. RoseC
  4523. CollinsD
  4524. MichiganE
  4525. 3HOGovernment Operations
  4526. Post Office & Civil Service
  4527. Public Works & TransportationI
  4528. 202-225-2261J
  4529. 202-225-6645K
  4530. Barbara Rose CollinsQ
  4531. Dear Representative Collins,
  4532. JohnB
  4533. JohnB
  4534. DingellD
  4535. MichiganE
  4536. Energy & Commerce (chairman)I
  4537. 202-225-4071J
  4538. 202-225-7426K
  4539. John D. DingellQ
  4540. Dear Representative Dingell,
  4541. GilC    GutknechtD    MinnesotaE
  4542. Gil GutknechtQ
  4543. Dear Representative Gutknecht,
  4544. DavidC
  4545. MingeD    MinnesotaE
  4546. 2H(Agriculture
  4547. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4548. 202-225-2331J
  4549. 202-226-0836K
  4550. David MingeQ
  4551. Dear Representative Minge,
  4552. RamstadD    MinnesotaE
  4553. 3innesotaE
  4554. 3innesotaE
  4555. RamstadD    MinnesotaE
  4556. H'Joint Economic
  4557. Judiciary
  4558. Small BusinessI
  4559. 202-225-2871J
  4560. 202-225-0140K
  4561. Jim RamstadQ
  4562. Dear Representative Ramstad,R
  4564. ng, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4565. Natural ResourcesI
  4566. 202-225-6631J
  4567. 202-225-1968K
  4568. Bruce F. VentoQ
  4569. Dear Representative Vento,
  4570. MartinB
  4571. OlavC
  4572. SaboD    MinnesotaE
  4573. 8H Appropriations
  4574. Budget (chairman)I
  4575. 202-225-4755J
  4576. 202-225-4886K
  4577. Martin Olav SaboQ
  4578. Dear Representative Sabo,
  4579. GramsD    MinnesotaE
  4580.  02-225-2271L
  4581. Dear Representative Grams,rams,ms,R
  4583. RL    Rod GramsQ
  4584. Dear Representative Grams,R
  4586. perationsI
  4587. 202-225-2165J
  4588. 202-225-1593K
  4589. Collin C. PetersonQ
  4590. Dear Representative Peterson,
  4591. JamesB
  4592. OberstarD    MinnesotaE
  4593. 10H-Foreign Affairs
  4594. Public Works & TransportationI
  4595. 202-225-6211J
  4596. 202-225-0669K
  4597. James L. OberstarQ
  4598. Dear Representative Oberstar,
  4599. JamieB
  4600. WhittenD
  4601. MississippiE
  4602. Roger WickerQ
  4603. Dear Representative Wicker,
  4604. BennyC
  4605. ThompsonD
  4606. MississippiE
  4607. 202-225-5876K
  4608. Benny ThompsonQ
  4609. Dear Representative Thompson,
  4610. G.V.B
  4611. (Sonny)C
  4612. MontgomeryD
  4613. MississippiE
  4614. 15H+Armed Services
  4615. Veterans' Affairs (chairman)I
  4616. 202-225-5031J
  4617. 202-225-3375K
  4618. G.V. (Sonny) MontgomeryQ
  4619. Dear Representative Montgomery,
  4620. MikeC
  4621. ParkerD
  4622. MississippiE
  4623. 4H$Budget
  4624. Public Works & TransportationI
  4625. 202-225-5865J
  4626. 202-225-5866K
  4627. D02-225-5866K
  4628. D02-225-5866K
  4629. 202-225-5866K
  4630. Mike ParkerQ
  4631. Dear Representative Parker,
  4632. GeneC
  4633. TaylorD
  4634. MississippiE
  4635. 4H*Armed Services
  4636. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  4637. 202-225-5772J
  4638. 202-225-7074K
  4639. Gene TaylorQ
  4640. Dear Representative Taylor,
  4641. WilliamB
  4642. (Bill)C
  4643. ClayD
  4644. MissouriE
  4645. 14HMHouse Administration
  4646. Education & Labor
  4647. Post Office & Civil Service (chairman)I
  4648. 202-225-2406J
  4649. 202-225-1783K
  4650. William (Bill) ClayQ
  4651. Dear Representative Clay,
  4652. JamesB
  4653. TalentD
  4654. MissouriE
  4655. Armed Services
  4656. Small BusinessI
  4657. 202-225-2561
  4658. 202-225-2563K
  4659. James M. TalentQ
  4660. Dear Representative Talent,
  4661. RichardB
  4662. GephardtD
  4663. MissouriE
  4664. Majority LeaderH
  4665. BudgetI
  4666. 202-225-2671J
  4667. 202-225-7452K
  4668. Richard A. GephardtQ
  4669. Dear Representative Gephardt,
  4670. SkeltonD
  4671. MissouriE
  4672. Armed Services
  4673. Small BusinessI
  4674. 202-225-2876J
  4675. 202-225-2695K
  4676. Ike SkeltonQ
  4677. Dear Representative Skelton,
  4678. KarenC
  4679. McCarthyD
  4680. MissouriE
  4681. Karen McCarthyQ
  4682. Dear Representative McCarthy,
  4683. PatsyC
  4684. Danner
  4685. PatsyC
  4686. Danner
  4687. PatsyC
  4688. Danner
  4689. MissouriE
  4690. Patsy DannerQ
  4691. Dear Representative Danner,
  4692. MeltonB
  4693. HancockD
  4694. MissouriE
  4695. Ways & MeansI
  4696. 202-225-6536J
  4697. 202-225-7700K
  4698. Melton D. HancockQ
  4699. Dear Representative Hancock,
  4700. BillC
  4701. EmersonD
  4702. MissouriE
  4703. 8H)Agriculture
  4704. Public Works & TransportationI
  4705. 202-225-4404J
  4706. 202-225-9621K
  4707. Bill EmersonQ
  4708. Dear Representative Emerson,
  4709. HaroldB
  4710. VolkmerD
  4711. MissouriE
  4712. 10issouriE
  4713. 10issouriE
  4714. HaroldB
  4715. VolkmerD
  4716. MissouriE
  4717. H(Agriculture
  4718. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4719. 202-225-2956J
  4720. 202-225-7834K
  4721. Harold L. VolkmerQ
  4722. Dear Representative Volkmer,
  4723. WilliamsD
  4724. MontanaE
  4725. 9H/Agriculture
  4726. Education & Labor
  4727. Natural ResourcesI
  4728. 202-225-3211J
  4729. 202-225-1257K
  4730. Pat WilliamsQ
  4731. Dear Representative Williams,
  4732. DougC
  4733. BereuterD
  4734. NebraskaE
  4735. 9HTBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4736. Foreign Affairs
  4737. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  4738. 202-225-4806J
  4739. 202-225-1148K
  4740. Doug BereuterQ
  4741. Dear Representative Bereuter,
  4742. Joner
  4743. NebraskaE
  4744. Jon ChristensenQ Dear Representative Christensen,
  4745. BillC
  4746. BarrettD
  4747. NebraskaE
  4748. 3H2House Administration
  4749. Agriculture
  4750. Education & LaborI
  4751. 202-225-6435J
  4752. 202-225-0207K
  4753. Bill BarrettQ
  4754. Dear Representative Barrett,
  4755. JamesB
  4756. BilbrayD
  4757. NevadaE
  4758. 5H>Armed Services
  4759. Small Business
  4760. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  4761. 202-225-5965J
  4762. 202-225-8808K
  4763. James H. BilbrayQ
  4764. Dear Representative Bilbray,
  4765. BarbaraB
  4766. VucanovichF.C
  4767. VucanovichF.C
  4768. VucanovichvichchF.C
  4769. Vucanovich
  4770. NevadaE
  4771. 7H Appropriations
  4772. Natural ResourcesI
  4773. 202-225-6155J
  4774. 202-225-2319K
  4775. Barbara F. VucanovichQ
  4776. Dear Representative Vucanovich,
  4777. WilliamB
  4778. Zeliff, Jr.D
  4779. New HampshireE
  4780. 3HBGovernment Operations
  4781. Public Works & Transportation
  4782. Small BusinessI
  4783. 202-225-5456J
  4784. 202-225-4370K
  4785. William H. Zeliff, Jr.Q Dear Representative Zeliff, Jr.,
  4786. CharlesC
  4787. BassD
  4788. New HampshireE
  4789. Charles BassQ
  4790. Dear Representative Bass,entative Bass,entative Bass,J
  4791. 202-225-0046K
  4792. Dick Swett
  4793. RobertB
  4794. AndrewsD
  4795. New JerseyE
  4796. 3H!Education & Labor
  4797. Foreign AffairsI
  4798. 202-225-6501J
  4799. 202-225-6583K
  4800. Robert E. AndrewsQ
  4801. Dear Representative Andrews,
  4802. FrankC
  4803. LoBiondoD
  4804. New JerseyE
  4805. Frank LoBiondoQ
  4806. Dear Representative LoBiondo,
  4807. SaxtonD
  4808. New JerseyE
  4809. 7HjArmed Services
  4810. District of Columbia
  4811. Joint Economic
  4812. Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  4813. Post Office & Civil Service Civil Service Civil Serviceecece& Fisheries
  4814. Post Office & Civil Servicee
  4815. Post Office & Civil Service
  4816. 202-225-4765J
  4817. 202-225-0778K
  4818. Jim SaxtonQ
  4819. Dear Representative Saxton,
  4820. ChristopherB
  4821. SmithD
  4822. New JerseyE
  4823. 8H Foreign Affairs
  4824. Veterans AffairsI
  4825. 202-225-3765J
  4826. 202-225-7768K
  4827. Christopher H. SmithQ
  4828. Dear Representative Smith,
  4829. MargeC
  4830. RoukemaD
  4831. New JerseyE
  4832. 8H5Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4833. Education & LaborI
  4834. 202-225-4465J
  4835. 202-225-9048K
  4836. Marge RoukemaQ
  4837. Dear Representative Roukema,
  4838. FrankC
  4839. Pallone, Jr.D
  4840. New JerseyE
  4841. 5H-Energy & Commerce
  4842. Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  4843. 202-225-4671J
  4844. 202-225-9655K
  4845. Frank Pallone, Jr.Q!Dear Representative Pallone, Jr.,
  4846. FranksD
  4847. New JerseyE
  4848. 2H$Budget
  4849. Public Works & TransportationI
  4850. 202-225-5361J
  4851. 202-225-9460K
  4852. Bob FranksQ
  4853. Dear Representative Franks,
  4854. BillC
  4855. MartiniD
  4856. New JerseyE
  4857. Bill MartiniQ
  4858. Dear Representative Martini,
  4859. RobertB
  4860. TorricelliD
  4861. New JerseyE
  4862. 7w JerseyE
  4863. 7w JerseyE
  4864. 7ntative Klein,
  4865. RobertB
  4866. TorricelliD
  4867. New JerseyE
  4868. HMForeign Affairs
  4869. Science, Space, & Technology
  4870. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  4871. 202-225-5061J
  4872. 202-225-0843K
  4873. Robert G. TorricelliQ
  4874. Dear Representative Torricelli,
  4875. DonaldB
  4876. PayneD
  4877. New JerseyE
  4878. 4H7Education & Labor
  4879. Foreign Affairs
  4880. Government OperationsI
  4881. 202-225-3436J
  4882. 202-225-4160K
  4883. Donald M. PayneQ
  4884. Dear Representative Payne,
  4885. FrelinghuysenD
  4886. New JerseyE
  4887. R. FrelinghuysenQ"Dear Representative Frelinghuysen,
  4888. DickC
  4889. ZimmerA
  4890. DickC
  4891. ZimmerA
  4892. DickC
  4893. Zimmermer
  4894. New JerseyE
  4895. 3H2Government Operations
  4896. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4897. 202-225-5801J
  4898. 202-225-9181K
  4899. Dick ZimmerQ
  4900. Dear Representative Zimmer,R
  4902. ks & TransportationI
  4903. 202-225-2765J
  4904. 202-226-0792K
  4905. Robert MenendezQ
  4906. Dear Representative Menendez,
  4907. StevenC
  4908. SchiffD
  4909. New MexicoE
  4910. 3HZGovernment Operations
  4911. Judiciary
  4912. Standards of Official Conduct
  4913. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  4914. 202-225-6316J
  4915. 202-225-4975K
  4916. Steven Schiff
  4917. Dear Representative Schiff,
  4918. SkeenD
  4919. New MexicoE
  4920. AppropriationsI
  4921. 202-225-2365J
  4922. 202-225-9599K
  4923. RL    Joe SkeenQ
  4924. Dear Representative Skeen,
  4925. WilliamB
  4926. RichardsonD
  4927. New MexicoE
  4928. 7HDEnergy & Commerce
  4929. Natural Resources
  4930. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  4931. 202-225-6190J
  4932. 202-225-1950K
  4933. William B. RichardsonQ
  4934. Dear Representative Richardson,
  4935. MichaelC
  4936. ForbesD
  4937. New YorkE
  4938. Michael ForbesQ
  4939. Dear Representative Forbes,tative Forbes,tative Forbes,5-0776K
  4940. RickC
  4941. LazioD
  4942. New YorkE
  4943. 2H*Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4944. BudgetI
  4945. 202-225-3335J
  4946. 202-225-4669K
  4947. Rick LazioQ
  4948. Dear Representative Lazio,
  4949. PeterB
  4950. KingD
  4951. New YorkE
  4952. 2H?Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4953. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  4954. 202-225-7896J
  4955. 202-226-2279K
  4956. Peter T. KingQ
  4957. Dear Representative King,
  4958. DanieC
  4959. FrisaD
  4960. New YorkE
  4961. 202-225-5516516irs
  4962. Public Works & TransportationI
  4963. 202-225-5516Works & TransportationI
  4964. 202-225-5516nsportationI
  4965. 202-225-5516
  4966. Danie FrisaQ
  4967. Dear Representative Frisa,
  4968. GaryB
  4969. AckermanD
  4970. New YorkE
  4971. 7HGForeign Affairs
  4972. Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  4973. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  4974. 202-225-2601J
  4975. 202-225-1589K
  4976. Gary L. AckermanQ
  4977. Dear Representative Ackerman,
  4978. FloydB
  4979. FlakeD
  4980. New YorkE
  4981. 5HHBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  4982. Government Operations
  4983. Small BusinessI
  4984. 202-225-3461J
  4985. 202-225-4169K
  4986. Floyd H. FlakeQ
  4987. Dear Representative Flake,
  4988. ThomasB
  4989. MantonD
  4990. New YorkE
  4991. 6New YorkE
  4992. HBHouse Administration
  4993. Energy & Commerce
  4994. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  4995. 202-225-3965J
  4996. 202-225-1452K
  4997. Thomas J. MantonQ
  4998. Dear Representative Manton,
  4999. JerroldC
  5000. NadlerD
  5001. New YorkE
  5002. 2H'Judiciary
  5003. Public Works & TransportationI
  5004. 202-225-5635J
  5005. 202-226-6923K
  5006. Jerrold NadlerQ
  5007. Dear Representative Nadler,
  5008. CharlesB
  5009. SchumerD
  5010. New YorkE
  5011. 8H=Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5012. Foreign Affairs
  5013. JudiciaryI
  5014. 202-225-6616J
  5015. 202-225-4183K
  5016. Charles E. SchumerQ
  5017. Dear Representative Schumer,
  5018. EdolphusC
  5019. TownsD
  5020. New YorkE
  5021. 7H'Energy & Commerce
  5022. Government OperationsI
  5023. 202-225-5936J
  5024. 202-225-1018K
  5025. Edolphus TownsQ
  5026. Dear Representative Towns,
  5027. MajorB
  5028. OwensD
  5029. New YorkE
  5030. 7H'Education & Labor
  5031. Government OperationsI
  5032. 202-225-6231J
  5033. 202-225-0012K
  5034. Major R. OwensQ
  5035. Dear Representative Owens,
  5036. NydiaB
  5037. M.C    VelazquezD
  5038. New YorkE
  5039. 2H2Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5040. Small BusinessI
  5041. 202-225-2361J
  5042. 202-226-0327K
  5043. Nydia M. VelazquezQ
  5044. Dear Representative Velazquez,
  5045. Susan
  5046. MolinariD
  5047. New YorkE
  5048. 4H/Education & Labor
  5049. Public Works & TransportationI
  5050. 202-225-3371J
  5051. 202-225-1272K
  5052. Susan MolinariQ
  5053. Dear Representative Molinari,
  5054. CarolynC
  5055. MaloneyD
  5056. New YorkE
  5057. 2H9Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5058. Government OperationsI
  5059. 202-225-7944J
  5060. 202-225-4732K
  5061. Carolyn MaloneyQ
  5062. Dear Representative Maloney,
  5063. CharlesB
  5064. RangelD
  5065. New YorkE
  5066. Ways & MeansI
  5067. 202-225-4365J
  5068. 202-225-0816K
  5069. Charles B. RangelQ
  5070. Dear Representative Rangel,
  5071. Serrano
  5072. New YorkE
  5073. AppropriationsI
  5074. 202-225-4361J
  5075. 202-225-6001K
  5076.  E. SerranoQ
  5077. Dear Representative Serrano,
  5078. EliotB
  5079. EngelD
  5080. New YorkE
  5081. 4H!Education & Labor
  5082. Foreign AffairsI
  5083. 202-225-2464J
  5084. 202-225-5513K
  5085. Eliot L. EngelQ
  5086. Dear Representative Engel,
  5087. NitaB
  5088. LoweyD
  5089. New YorkE
  5090. AppropriationsI
  5091. 202-225-6506J
  5092. 202-225-0546K
  5093. Nita M. LoweyQ
  5094. Dear Representative Lowey,
  5095. KellyD
  5096. New YorkE
  5097. RL    Sue KellyQ
  5098. Dear Representative Kelly,ntative Kelly,ntative Kelly,..
  5099. BenjaminB
  5100. GilmanD
  5101. New YorkE
  5102. 12H+Foreign Affairs
  5103. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  5104. 202-225-3776J
  5105. 202-225-9636K
  5106. Benjamin A. GilmanQ
  5107. Dear Representative Gilman,
  5108. MichaelB
  5109. McNultyD
  5110. New YorkE
  5111. Ways & MeansI
  5112. 202-225-5076J
  5113. 202-225-5077K
  5114. Michael R. McNultyQ
  5115. Dear Representative McNulty,
  5116. GeraldB
  5117. B.H.C
  5118. SolomonD
  5119. New YorkE
  5120. RulesI
  5121. 202-225-5614J
  5122. 202-225-1168K
  5123. Gerald B.H. SolomonQ
  5124. Dear Representative Solomon,
  5125. SherwoodB
  5126. L.ative Solomon,
  5127. SherwoodB
  5128. BoehlertD
  5129. New YorkE
  5130. 7HVPost Office & Civil Service
  5131. Public Works & Transportation
  5132. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  5133. 202-225-3665J
  5134. 202-225-1891K
  5135. Sherwood L. BoehlertQ
  5136. Dear Representative Boehlert,R
  5138. JohnB
  5139. McHughD
  5140. New YorkE
  5141. 2H$Armed Services
  5142. Government OperationsI
  5143. 202-225-4611K
  5144. John M. McHughQ
  5145. Dear Representative McHugh,
  5146. JamesB
  5147. WalshD
  5148. New YorkE
  5149. AppropriationsI
  5150. 202-225-3701J
  5151. 202-225-4042K
  5152. James T. WalshQ
  5153. Dear Representative Walsh,
  5154. MauriceB
  5155. HincheyD
  5156. New YorkE
  5157. 2H5Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5158. Natural ResourcesI
  5159. 202-225-6335K
  5160. Maurice D. HincheyQ
  5161. Dear Representative Hinchey,
  5162. BillC
  5163. PaxonD
  5164. New YorkE
  5165. Energy & CommerceI
  5166. 202-225-5265J
  5167. 202-225-5910K
  5168. Bill PaxonQ
  5169. Dear Representative Paxon,
  5170. LouiseB
  5171. McIntoshC    SlaughterD
  5172. New YorkE
  5173. Budget
  5174. RulesI
  5175. 202-225-3615J
  5176. 202-225-1044K
  5177. Louise McIntosh SlaughterQ
  5178. Dear Representative Slaughter,
  5179. JohnB
  5180. LaFalceD
  5181. New YorkE
  5182. "H=Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5183. Small Business (chairman)I
  5184. 202-225-3231J
  5185. 202-225-8693K
  5186. John J. LaFalceQ
  5187. Dear Representative LaFalce,
  5188. JackC
  5189. QuinnD
  5190. New YorkE
  5191. 2H.Public Works & Transportation
  5192. Veterans AffairsI
  5193. 202-225-3306J
  5194. 202-225-3407K
  5195. Jack QuinnQ
  5196. Dear Representative Quinn,
  5197. HoughtonD
  5198. New YorkE
  5199. Ways & MeansI
  5200. 202-225-3161J
  5201. 202-225-5574K
  5202. Amo HoughtonQ
  5203. Dear Representative Houghton,
  5204. ClaytonD
  5205. North CarolinaE
  5206. Agriculture
  5207. Small Business
  5208. 202-225-3101J
  5209. 202-225-3354K
  5210. Eva M. ClaytonQ
  5211. Dear Representative Clayton,
  5212. DavidC
  5213. FunderburkD
  5214. North CarolinaE
  5215. David FunderburkQ
  5216. Dear Representative Funderburk,
  5217. WalteC
  5218. JonesD
  5219. North CarolinaE
  5220. Walte JonesQ
  5221. Dear Representative Jones,
  5222. HeinemanD
  5223. North CarolinaE
  5224. 1CarolinaE
  5225. 1CarolinaE
  5226. 1CarolinaE
  5227. 1CarolinaE
  5228. 4ancaster,
  5229. DavidB
  5230. PriceD
  5231. North CarolinaE
  5232. 4ancaster,
  5233. DavidB
  5234. PriceD
  5235. North CarolinaE
  5236. F. HeinemanQ
  5237. Dear Representative Heineman,
  5238. RichardC
  5239. BurrD
  5240. North CarolinaE
  5241. Richard BurrQ
  5242. Dear Representative Burr,
  5243. HowardC
  5244. CobleD
  5245. North CarolinaE
  5246. 6H%Judiciary
  5247. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  5248. 202-225-3065J
  5249. 202-225-8611K
  5250. Howard CobleQ
  5251. Dear Representative Coble,
  5252. CharlesC
  5253. RoseD
  5254. North CarolinaE
  5255. 12arolinaE
  5256. 12arolinaE
  5257. 12arolinaE
  5258. 12arolinaE
  5259. 1111esentative Coble,
  5260. CharlesC
  5261. RoseD
  5262. North CarolinaE
  5263. North CarolinaE
  5264. +H+House Administration (chairman)
  5265. AgricultureI
  5266. 202-225-2731J
  5267. 202-225-2470K
  5268. Charles RoseQ
  5269. Dear Representative Rose,R
  5271. W. G.B
  5272. (Bill)C
  5273. HefnerD
  5274. North CarolinaE
  5275. AppropriationsI
  5276. 202-225-3715J
  5277. 202-225-4036K
  5278. W. G. (Bill) HefnerQ
  5279. Dear Representative Hefner,
  5280. MyrickD
  5281. North CarolinaE
  5282. Sue MyrickQ
  5283. Dear Representative Myrick,
  5284. CassC    BallengerD
  5285. North CarolinaE
  5286. 6arolinaE
  5287. 6arolinaE
  5288. North CarolinaE
  5289. .H6District of Columbia
  5290. Education & Labor
  5291. Foreign AffairsI
  5292. 202-225-2576J
  5293. 202-225-0316K
  5294. Cass BallengerQ
  5295. Dear Representative Ballenger,
  5296. CharlesB
  5297. TaylorD
  5298. North CarolinaE
  5299. AppropriationsI
  5300. 202-225-6401J
  5301. 202-225-0519K
  5302. Charles H. TaylorQ
  5303. Dear Representative Taylor,R
  5305. MelvinB
  5306. WattD
  5307. North CarolinaE
  5308. 2HIBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5309. Judiciary
  5310. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  5311. 202-225-1510J
  5312. 202-225-1512K
  5313. Melvin L. Watt
  5314. Dear Representative Watt,R
  5316. EarlC
  5317. PomeroyD
  5318. North DakotaE
  5319. Agriculture
  5320. BudgetI
  5321. 202-225-2611J
  5322. 202-226-0893K
  5323. Earl PomeroyQ
  5324. Dear Representative Pomeroy,R
  5326. SteveC
  5327. ChabottD
  5328. OhioE
  5329. Steve ChabottQ
  5330. Dear Representative Chabott,
  5331. PortmanD
  5332. OhioE
  5333. 2G.Seat vacated by Rep. Gradison January 31, 1993I
  5334. 202-225-3164K
  5335. R02-225-3164K
  5336. R02-225-3164K
  5337. RTonyB
  5338. HallD
  5339. OhioE
  5340. RulesI
  5341. 202-225-6465J
  5342. 202-225-6766K
  5343. Tony P. Hall. Hall
  5344. Dear Representative Hall,
  5345. MichaelB
  5346. OxleyD
  5347. OhioE
  5348. Energy & CommerceI
  5349. 202-225-2676J
  5350. 202-225-1160K
  5351. Michael G. OxleyQ
  5352. Dear Representative Oxley,
  5353. PaulB
  5354. GillmorD
  5355. OhioE
  5356. Energy & CommerceI
  5357. 202-225-6405J
  5358. 202-225-1985K
  5359. Paul E. GillmorQ
  5360. Dear Representative Gillmor,
  5361. FrankC
  5362. CremeansD
  5363. OhioE
  5364. Frank CremeansQ
  5365. Dear Representative Cremeans,
  5366. DavidB
  5367. HobsonD
  5368. OhioE
  5369. OhioE
  5370. OhioE
  5371. DavidB
  5372. HobsonD
  5373. OhioE
  5374. 8H3Appropriations
  5375. Budget
  5376. Standards of Official ConductI
  5377. 202-225-4324J
  5378. 202-225-1984K
  5379. David L. HobsonQ
  5380. Dear Representative Hobson,
  5381. JohnC
  5382. BoehnerD
  5383. OhioE
  5384. 3H2House Administration
  5385. Agriculture
  5386. Education & LaborI
  5387. 202-225-6205J
  5388. 202-225-0704K
  5389. John BoehnerQ
  5390. Dear Representative Boehner,
  5391. MarcyC
  5392. KapturD
  5393. OhioE
  5394. AppropriationsI
  5395. 202-225-4146J
  5396. 202-225-7711K
  5397. Marcy KapturQ
  5398. Dear Representative Kaptur,
  5399. MartinB
  5400. HokeD
  5401. OhioE
  5402. 2H#Budget
  5403. Science, Space, & Technology
  5404. 202-225-5871J
  5405. 202-225-0994K
  5406. Martin R. HokeQ
  5407. Dear Representative Hoke,R
  5409. LouisC
  5410. StokesD
  5411. OhioE
  5412. AppropriationsI
  5413. 202-225-7032J
  5414. 202-225-1339K
  5415. Louis StokesQ
  5416. Dear Representative Stokes,
  5417. JohnB
  5418. KasichD
  5419. OhioE
  5420. Armed Services
  5421. BudgetI
  5422. 202-225-5355K
  5423. John R. KasichQ
  5424. Dear Representative Kasich,
  5425. SherrodC
  5426. BrownD
  5427. OhioE
  5428. 2H=Energy & Commerce
  5429. Foreign Affairs
  5430. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  5431. 202-225-3401K
  5432. Sherrod Brown
  5433. Dear Representative Brown,
  5434. ThomasB
  5435. SawyerD
  5436. OhioE
  5437. 5H[Education & Labor
  5438. Foreign Affairs
  5439. Standards of Official Conduct
  5440. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  5441. 202-225-5231J
  5442. 202-225-5278K
  5443. Thomas C. SawyerQ
  5444. Dear Representative Sawyer,
  5445. DeborahC
  5446. PryceD
  5447. OhioE
  5448. 2H9Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5449. Government OperationsI
  5450. 202-225-2015J
  5451. 202-225-0986K
  5452. Deborah PryceQ
  5453. Dear Representative Pryce,
  5454. RalphC
  5455. RegulaD
  5456. OhioE
  5457. AppropriationsI
  5458. 202-225-3876J
  5459. 202-225-3059K
  5460. Ralph RegulaQ
  5461. Dear Representative Regula,
  5462. JamesB
  5463. Traficant, Jr.D
  5464. OhioE
  5465. 6H:Public Works & Transportation
  5466. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  5467. 202-225-5261J
  5468. 202-225-3719K
  5469. James A. Traficant, Jr.Q#Dear Representative Traficant, Jr.,
  5470. RobertC
  5471. OhioE
  5472. Robert NeyQ
  5473. Dear Representative Ney,
  5474. StevenC
  5475. LaTouretteD
  5476. OhioE
  5477. OhioE
  5478. OhioE
  5479. 111ive Applegate,
  5480. EricC    FingerhutD
  5481. OhioE
  5482. Steven LaTouretteQ
  5483. Dear Representative LaTourette,
  5484. SteveC
  5485. LargentD
  5486. OklahomaE
  5487. Steve LargentQ
  5488. Dear Representative Largent,
  5489. CoburnD
  5490. OklahomaE
  5491. Tom CoburnQ
  5492. Dear Representative Coburn,tative Coburn,tative Coburn,tative Coburn,tative Coburn,tative Coburn,tative Coburn,25-2796K
  5493. Mike SynarynarGovernment Operations
  5494. JudiciaryI
  5495. 202-225-2701J
  5496. 202-225-2796K
  5497. Mike Synarrce
  5498. Government Operations
  5499. JudiciaryI
  5500. 202-225-2701J
  5501. 202-225-2796K
  5502. Mike Synar
  5503. BillC
  5504. BrewsterD
  5505. OklahomaE
  5506. Ways & MeansI
  5507. 202-225-4565J
  5508. 202-225-9029K
  5509. Bill BrewsterQ
  5510. Dear Representative Brewster,
  5511. J.C.C
  5512. WattsD
  5513. OklahomaE
  5514. J.C. WattsQ
  5515. Dear Representative Watts,
  5516. ErnestB
  5517. IstookD
  5518. OklahomaE
  5519. AppropriationsI
  5520. 202-225-2132J
  5521. 202-225-1463K
  5522. Ernest J. IstookQ
  5523. Dear Representative Istook,R
  5527. 202-225-5565J
  5528. 202-225-8698K
  5529. Frank LucasQ
  5530. Dear Representative Lucas,
  5531. KA    ElizabethC
  5532. FurseD
  5533. OregonE
  5534. 1HNArmed Services
  5535. Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5536. Merchant Marine & FisheriesK
  5537. Elizabeth FurseQ
  5538. Dear Representative Furse,R
  5541. OregonE
  5542. Agriculture
  5543. Natural ResourcesI
  5544. 202-225-6730J
  5545. 202-225-3129K
  5546. Robert F. SmithQ
  5547. Dear Representative Smith,
  5548. WydenD
  5549. OregonE
  5550. MH/Energy & Commerce
  5551. Joint Economic
  5552. Small BusinessI
  5553. 202-225-4811J
  5554. 202-225-8941K
  5555. DL    Ron WydenQ
  5556. Dear Representative Wyden,
  5557. PeterB
  5558. DeFazioD
  5559. OregonE
  5560. 4H/Natural Resources
  5561. Public Works & TransportationI
  5562. 202-225-6416J
  5563. 202-225-0694K
  5564. Peter A. DeFazioQ
  5565. Dear Representative DeFazio,
  5566. MichaelB
  5567. KopetskiD
  5568. OregonE
  5569. Ways & MeansI
  5570. 202-225-5711J
  5571. 202-225-9477K
  5572. Michael J. KopetskiQ
  5573. Dear Representative Kopetski,
  5574. ThomasB
  5575. M.C    FogliettaD
  5576. PennsylvaniaE
  5577. Appropriations
  5578. 202-225-4731J
  5579. 202-225-0088K
  5580. Thomas M. FogliettaQ
  5581. Dear Representative Foglietta,
  5582. ChakaC
  5583. FattahD
  5584. PennsylvaniaE
  5585. Chaka FattahQ
  5586. Dear Representative Fattah,
  5587. RobertB
  5588. BorskiD
  5589. PennsylvaniaE
  5590. 7HKForeign Affairs
  5591. Standards of Official Conduct
  5592. Public Works & TransportationI
  5593. 202-225-8251J
  5594. 202-225-4628K
  5595. Robert A. BorskiQ
  5596. Dear Representative Borski,
  5597. KlinkD
  5598. PennsylvaniaE
  5599. 2sylvaniaE
  5600. 2sylvaniaE
  5601. RobertC
  5602. KlinkD
  5603. PennsylvaniaE
  5604. SHDBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5605. Education & Labor
  5606. Small BusinessI
  5607. 202-225-2565J
  5608. 202-225-2274K
  5609. DL    Ron KlinkQ
  5610. Dear Representative Klink,
  5611. WilliamB
  5612. Clinger, Jr.D
  5613. PennsylvaniaE
  5614. 9H3Government Operations
  5615. Public Works & TransportationI
  5616. 202-225-5121J
  5617. 202-225-4681K
  5618. William F. Clinger, Jr.Q!Dear Representative Clinger, Jr.,
  5619. HoldenD
  5620. PennsylvaniaE
  5621. Agriculture
  5622. Armed ServicesI
  5623. 202-225-5546J
  5624. 202-225-0996K
  5625. Tim HoldenQ
  5626. Dear Representative Holden,
  5627. CurtC
  5628. Weldondon
  5629. PennsylvaniaE
  5630. 5H*Armed Services
  5631. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  5632. 202-225-2011J
  5633. 202-225-5990K
  5634. Curt WeldonQ
  5635. Dear Representative Weldon,
  5636. JamesB
  5637. C.C    GreenwoodD
  5638. PennsylvaniaE
  5639. Energy & CommerceI
  5640. 202-225-4276J
  5641. 202-225-9511K
  5642. James C. GreenwoodQ
  5643. Dear Representative Greenwood,
  5644. ShusterD
  5645. PennsylvaniaE
  5646. Public Works & TransportationI
  5647. 202-225-2431J
  5648. 202-225-2486K
  5649. Bud ShusterQ
  5650. Dear Representative Shuster,
  5651. JosephB
  5652. McDadeD
  5653. PennsylvaniaE
  5654. Appropriations
  5655. 202-225-3731J
  5656. 202-225-9594K
  5657. Joseph M. McDadeQ
  5658. Dear Representative McDade,
  5659. PaulB
  5660. E.C    KanjorskiD
  5661. PennsylvaniaE
  5662. 6H?Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5663. Post Office & Civil ServiceI
  5664. 202-225-6511J
  5665. 202-225-9024K
  5666. Paul E. KanjorskiQ
  5667. Dear Representative Kanjorski,
  5668. JohnB
  5669. MurthaD
  5670. PennsylvaniaE
  5671. AppropriationsI
  5672. 202-225-2065J
  5673. 202-225-5709K
  5674. John P. MurthaQ
  5675. Dear Representative Murtha,
  5676. PennsylvaniaE
  5677. 1nsylvaniaE
  5678. Jon FoxQ
  5679. Dear Representative Fox,
  5680. WilliamB
  5681. CoyneD
  5682. PennsylvaniaE
  5683. Budget
  5684. Ways & MeansI
  5685. 202-225-2301J
  5686. 202-225-1844K
  5687. William J. CoyneQ
  5688. Dear Representative Coyne,
  5689. PaulC
  5690. McHaleD
  5691. PennsylvaniaE
  5692. 2H+Armed Services
  5693. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  5694. 202-225-6411J
  5695. 202-225-5320K
  5696. Paul McHaleQ
  5697. Dear Representative McHale,
  5698. RobertB
  5699. WalkerrtB
  5700. WalkerrtB
  5701. WalkerbertB
  5702. WalkerbertB
  5703. WalkeralkeraleQ
  5704. Dear Representative McHale,
  5705. RobertB
  5706. Walker
  5707. PennsylvaniaE
  5708. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  5709. 202-225-2411J
  5710. 202-225-2484K
  5711. Robert S. WalkerQ
  5712. Dear Representative Walker,R
  5713. PA16@HR.HOUSE.GOVV
  5714. mmittee on IntelligenceI
  5715. 202-225-4315J
  5716. 202-225-8440K
  5717. George W. GekasQ
  5718. Dear Representative Gekas,
  5719. RichardB
  5720. JohnC
  5721. SantorumD
  5722. PennsylvaniaE
  5723. Ways & MeansI
  5724. 202-225-2135J
  5725. 202-225-7747K
  5726. Richard John SantorumQ
  5727. Dear Representative Santorum,
  5728. WilliamB
  5729. GoodlingD
  5730. PennsylvaniaE
  5731. bH!Education & Labor
  5732. Foreign AffairsI
  5733. 202-225-5836J
  5734. 202-225-1000K
  5735. William F. GoodlingQ
  5736. Dear Representative Goodling,
  5737. FrankC
  5738. MascaraD
  5739. PennsylvaniaE
  5740. Frank MascaraQ
  5741. Dear Representative Mascara,
  5742. PhillipC
  5743. EnglishD
  5744. PennsylvaniaE
  5745. Phillip EnglishQ
  5746. Dear Representative English,
  5747. Carlosh,
  5748. Carlosh,
  5749. Carlosh,
  5750. Carlosh,
  5751. Carloss5-5406J
  5752. 202-225-1081K
  5753. Thomas J. RidgeQ
  5754. Dear Representative Ridge,
  5755. Carlosrlosssear Representative Ridge,
  5756. Carlos
  5757. Romero-BarceloD
  5758. Puerto RicoE
  5759. 2H#Education & Labor
  5760. Natural ResourcesI
  5761. 202-225-2615J
  5762. 202-225-2154K
  5763. Carlos A. Romero-BarceloQ#Dear Representative Romero-Barcelo,
  5764. PatrickC
  5765. KennedyD
  5766. Rhode IslandE
  5767. Patrick KennedyQ
  5768. Dear Representative Kennedy,
  5769. JohnB
  5770. ReedD
  5771. Rhode IslandE
  5772. 3HXEducation & Labor
  5773. Judiciary
  5774. Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  5775. Select Committee on Intelligencen Intelligencen IntelligenceeeenceenceMarine & Fisheries
  5776. Select Committee on Intelligence
  5777. 202-225-2735J
  5778. 202-225-9580K
  5779. John F. ReedQ
  5780. Dear Representative Reed,
  5781. MarkC
  5782. SanfordD
  5783. South CarolinaE
  5784. Mark SanfordQ
  5785. Dear Representative Sanford,
  5786. FloydC
  5787. SpenceD
  5788. South CarolinaE
  5789. Armed Services
  5790. Veterans AffairsI
  5791. 202-225-2452J
  5792. 202-225-2455K
  5793. Floyd SpenceQ
  5794. Dear Representative Spence,
  5795. LindseyC
  5796. GrahamD
  5797. South CarolinaE
  5798. 1CarolinaE
  5799. 202-225-5301I
  5800. 202-225-53011tration
  5801. RulesI
  5802. 202-225-53011-5301-5301-5301010110H
  5803. House Administration
  5804. RulesI
  5805. 202-225-5301
  5806. Lindsey GrahamQ
  5807. Dear Representative Graham,
  5808. InglisD
  5809. South CarolinaE
  5810. Budget
  5811. JudiciaryI
  5812. 202-225-6030J
  5813. 202-225-1177K
  5814. Bob InglisQ
  5815. Dear Representative Inglis,
  5816. JohnB
  5817. Spratt, Jr.D
  5818. South CarolinaE
  5819. 7H$Armed Services
  5820. Government OperationsI
  5821. 202-225-5501J
  5822. 202-225-0464K
  5823. John M. Spratt, Jr.Q Dear Representative Spratt, Jr.,
  5824. JamesB
  5825. ClyburnD
  5826. South CarolinaE
  5827. 2H.Public Works & Transportation
  5828. Veterans AffairsI
  5829. 202-225-3315J
  5830. 202-225-2302K
  5831. D02-225-2302K
  5832. James E. ClyburnQ
  5833. Dear Representative Clyburn,
  5834. JohnsonD
  5835. South DakotaE
  5836. Agriculture
  5837. Natural ResourcesI
  5838. 202-225-2801J
  5839. 202-225-2427K
  5840. Tim JohnsonQ
  5841. Dear Representative Johnson,
  5842. JamesB
  5843. QuillenD    TennesseeE
  5844. RulesI
  5845. 202-225-6356J
  5846. 202-225-7812K
  5847. James H. QuillenQ
  5848. Dear Representative Quillen,
  5849. JohnB
  5850. Duncan, Jr.D    TennesseeE
  5851. 5H/Natural Resources
  5852. Public Works & TransportationI
  5853. 202-225-5435J
  5854. 202-225-6440K
  5855. John J. Duncan, Jr.
  5856. pQ Dear Representative Duncan, Jr.,
  5857. ZachC
  5858. WampD    TennesseeE
  5859. RL    Zach WampQ
  5860. Dear Representative Wamp,
  5861. HilearyD    TennesseeE
  5862. Van HilearyQ
  5863. Dear Representative Hileary,
  5864. ClementD    TennesseeE
  5865. 5H.Public Works & Transportation
  5866. Veterans AffairsI
  5867. 202-225-4341J
  5868. 202-225-1035K
  5869. Bob ClementQ
  5870. Dear Representative Clement,
  5871. Bartent,
  5872. Bartent,
  5873. Bartent,
  5874. Bartent,
  5875. Barttive Clement,
  5876. BarttttartartementQ
  5877. Dear Representative Clement,
  5878. Bartt
  5879. GordonD    TennesseeE
  5880. Budget
  5881. RulesI
  5882. 202-225-4231J
  5883. 202-225-6887K
  5884. Bart GordonQ
  5885. Dear Representative Gordon,
  5886. BryantD    TennesseeE
  5887. RL    Ed BryantQ
  5888. Dear Representative Bryant,
  5889. JohnB
  5890. TannerD    TennesseeE
  5891. 3H+Armed Services
  5892. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  5893. 202-225-4714J
  5894. 202-225-1765K
  5895. John S. TannerQ
  5896. Dear Representative Tanner,
  5897. HaroldB
  5898. FordD    TennesseeE
  5899. Ways & MeansI
  5900. 202-225-3265J
  5901. 202-225-9215K
  5902. D02-225-9215K
  5903. D02-225-9215K
  5904. DDD02-225-9215K
  5905. Harold E. FordQ
  5906. Dear Representative Ford,
  5907. ChapmanD
  5908. TexasE
  5909. AppropriationsI
  5910. 202-225-3035J
  5911. 202-225-7265K
  5912. Jim ChapmanQ
  5913. Dear Representative Chapman,
  5914. CharlesC
  5915. WilsonD
  5916. TexasE
  5917. AppropriationsI
  5918. 202-225-2401J
  5919. 202-225-1764K
  5920. Charles WilsonQ
  5921. Dear Representative Wilson,
  5922. JohnsonD
  5923. TexasE
  5924. 3HOBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  5925. Small Business
  5926. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  5927. 202-225-4201J
  5928. 202-225-1485K
  5929. Sam JohnsonQ
  5930. Dear Representative Johnson,
  5932. RalphB
  5933. HallD
  5934. TexasE
  5935. 8H.Energy & Commerce
  5936. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  5937. 202-225-6673J
  5938. 202-225-3332K
  5939. Ralph M. HallQ
  5940. Dear Representative Hall,
  5941. JohnC
  5942. BryantD
  5943. TexasE
  5944. 7H"Budget
  5945. Energy & Commerce
  5946. JudiciaryI
  5947. 202-225-2231J
  5948. 202-225-9721K
  5949. John BryantQ
  5950. Dear Representative Bryant,
  5951. BartonD
  5952. TexasE
  5953. 6H.Energy & Commerce
  5954. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  5955. 202-225-2002J
  5956. 202-225-3052K
  5957. Joe BartonQ
  5958. Dear Representative Barton,
  5959. BillC
  5960. ArcherD
  5961. Texas
  5962. Joint Taxation
  5963. Ways & MeansI
  5964. 202-225-2571J
  5965. 202-225-4381K
  5966. Bill ArcherQ
  5967. Dear Representative Archer,
  5968. JackC
  5969. FieldsD
  5970. TexasE
  5971. 8H-Energy & Commerce
  5972. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  5973. 202-225-4901J
  5974. 202-225-6899K
  5975. Jack FieldsQ
  5976. Dear Representative Fields,
  5977. SteveC
  5978. StockmanD
  5979. TexasE
  5980. Steve StockmanQ
  5981. Dear Representative Stockman,
  5982. LloydC
  5983. DoggettD
  5984. TexasE
  5985. Lloyd DoggettQ
  5986. Dear Representative Doggett,ative Doggett,ative Doggett,ative Doggett,ative Doggett,.J. Picklee
  5987. ChetC
  5988. EdwardsD
  5989. TexasE
  5990. Armed Services
  5991. Veterans AffairsI
  5992. 202-225-6105J
  5993. 202-225-0353K
  5994. Chet EdwardsQ
  5995. Dear Representative Edwards,
  5996. PeteC
  5997. GerenD
  5998. TexasE
  5999. 4HIArmed Services
  6000. Public Works & Transportation
  6001. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6002. 202-225-5071J
  6003. 202-225-2786K
  6004. Pete GerenQ
  6005. Dear Representative Geren,
  6006. ThornberryD
  6007. TexasE
  6008. W. ThornberryQ
  6009. Dear Representative Thornberry,
  6010. hornberry,
  6011. hornberry,
  6012. epresentative Sarpalius,
  6013. Representative Sarpalius,
  6014. GregC
  6015. LaughlinD
  6016. TexasE
  6017. 4HvMerchant Marine & Fisheries
  6018. Post Office & Civil Service
  6019. Public Works & Transportation
  6020. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  6021. 202-225-2831J
  6022. 202-225-8943K
  6023. Greg LaughlinQ
  6024. Dear Representative Laughlin,
  6025. (Kika)C
  6026. de la GarzaD
  6027. TexasE
  6028. Agriculture (chairman)I
  6029. 202-225-2531J
  6030. 202-225-2534K
  6031. E. (Kika) de la GarzaQ Dear Representative de la Garza,
  6032. RonaldB
  6033. ColemanD
  6034. TexasE
  6035. 7H/Appropriations
  6036. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  6037. 202-225-4831K
  6038. Ronald D. ColemanQ
  6039. Dear Representative Coleman,
  6040. CharlesB
  6041. StenholmD
  6042. TexasE
  6043. Agriculture
  6044. BudgetI
  6045. 202-225-6605J
  6046. 202-225-2234K
  6047. Charles W. StenholmQ
  6048. Dear Representative Stenholm,
  6049. SheilaC
  6050. TexasE
  6051. Sheila LeeQ
  6052. Dear Representative Lee,
  6053. LarryC
  6054. CombestD
  6055. TexasE
  6056. 6H;Agriculture
  6057. Small Business
  6058. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  6059. 202-225-4005J
  6060. 202-225-9615J
  6061. 202-225-9615J
  6062. 202-225-961525-961525-961525-96156159615ittee on IntelligenceI
  6063. 202-225-4005J
  6064. 202-225-9615
  6065. Larry CombestQ
  6066. Dear Representative Combest,
  6067. HenryB
  6068. GonzalezD
  6069. TexasE
  6070. 18H.Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs (chairman)I
  6071. 202-225-3236J
  6072. 202-225-1915K
  6073. Henry B. GonzalezQ
  6074. Dear Representative Gonzalez,
  6075. LamarB
  6076. SmithD
  6077. TexasE
  6078. Budget
  6079. JudiciaryI
  6080. 202-225-4236J
  6081. 202-225-8628K
  6082. Lamar S. SmithQ
  6083. Dear Representative Smith,
  6084. DeLayD
  6085. TexasE
  6086. AppropriationsI
  6087. 202-225-5951J
  6088. 202-225-5241K
  6089. RL    Tom DeLayQ
  6090. Dear Representative DeLay,
  6091. HenryC
  6092. BonillaD
  6093. TexasE
  6094. AppropriationsI
  6095. 202-225-4511J
  6096. 202-225-2237K
  6097. Henry BonillaQ
  6098. Dear Representative Bonilla,
  6099. MartinC
  6100. FrostD
  6101. TexasE
  6102. House Administration
  6103. RulesI
  6104. 202-225-3605J
  6105. 202-225-4951K
  6106. Martin FrostQ
  6107. Dear Representative Frost,
  6108. BentsenD
  6109. TexasE
  6110. Ken BentsenQ
  6111. Dear Representative Bentsen,
  6112. RichardB
  6113. ArmeyD
  6114. TexasE
  6115. 6H Education & Labor
  6116. Joint EconomicI
  6117. 202-225-7772J
  6118. 202-225-7614K
  6119. R02-225-7614K
  6120. R02-225-7614K
  6121. RnomicI
  6122. 202-225-7772J
  6123. 202-225-7614K
  6124. Richard K. ArmeyQ
  6125. Dear Representative Armey,
  6126. SolomonB
  6127. OrtizD
  6128. TexasE
  6129. 7H*Armed Services
  6130. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  6131. 202-225-7742J
  6132. 202-225-1134K
  6133. Solomon P. OrtizQ
  6134. Dear Representative Ortiz,
  6135. FrankC
  6136. TejedaD
  6137. TexasE
  6138. Armed Services
  6139. Veterans AffairsI
  6140. 202-225-1640K
  6141. Frank TejedaQ
  6142. Dear Representative Tejeda,
  6143. GeneC
  6144. GreenD
  6145. TexasE
  6146. 2H-Education & Labor
  6147. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  6148. 202-225-1688J
  6149. 202-225-0840K
  6150. Gene GreenQ
  6151. Dear Representative Green,
  6152. Eddie
  6153. BerniceC
  6154. JohnsonD
  6155. TexasE
  6156. 2H:Public Works & Transportation
  6157. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6158. 202-225-8885J
  6159. 202-225-1477K
  6160. Eddie Bernice JohnsonQ
  6161. Dear Representative Johnson,
  6162. JamesB
  6163. HansenD
  6164. UtahE
  6165. 8HAArmed Services
  6166. Natural Resources
  6167. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  6168. 202-225-0453J
  6169. 202-225-5827K
  6170. James V. HansenQ
  6171. Dear Representative Hansen,
  6172. KarenC
  6173. ShepherdD
  6174. UtahE
  6175. 2H/Natural Resources
  6176. Public Works & TransportationI
  6177. 202-225-3011J
  6178. 202-226-0354K
  6179. Karen Shepherd
  6180. Dear Representative Shepherd,R
  6182. BillC
  6183. OrtonD
  6184. UtahE
  6185. 3H*Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  6186. BudgetI
  6187. 202-225-7751J
  6188. 202-225-1233K
  6189. Bill OrtonQ
  6190. Dear Representative Orton,
  6191. BernardC
  6192. SandersD
  6193. VermontE
  6194. 3H9Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  6195. Government OperationsI
  6196. 202-225-4115J
  6197. 202-225-6790K
  6198. Bernard SandersQ
  6199. Dear Representative Sanders,
  6200. de LugoD
  6201. Virgin IslandsE
  6202. Del.F
  6203. 11HAEducation & Labor
  6204. Natural Resources
  6205. Public Works & Transportation
  6206. 202-225-1790J
  6207. 202-225-9392K
  6208. Ron de LugoQ
  6209. Dear Representative de Lugo,
  6210. HerbertB
  6211. BatemanD
  6212. VirginiaE
  6213. 7H*Armed Services
  6214. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  6215. 202-225-4261J
  6216. 202-225-4382K
  6217. Herbert H. BatemanQ
  6218. Dear Representative Bateman,
  6219. OwenB
  6220. PickettD
  6221. VirginiaE
  6222. 5H*Armed Services
  6223. Merchant Marine & FisheriesI
  6224. 202-225-4215J
  6225. 202-225-4218K
  6226. Owen B. PickettQ
  6227. Dear Representative Pickett,
  6228. RobertB
  6229. ScottD
  6230. VirginiaE
  6231. H8Education & Labor
  6232. Judiciary
  6233. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6234. 202-225-8351J
  6235. 202-225-8354K
  6236. Robert C. ScottQ
  6237. Dear Representative Scott,
  6238. NormanC
  6239. SisiskyD
  6240. VirginiaE
  6241. Armed Services
  6242. Small BusinessI
  6243. 202-225-6365J
  6244. 202-225-1170K
  6245. Norman SisiskyQ
  6246. Dear Representative Sisisky,
  6247. LewisB
  6248. Payne, Jr.D
  6249. VirginiaE
  6250. Ways & MeansI
  6251. 202-225-4711J
  6252. 202-225-1147K
  6253. Lewis F. Payne, Jr.Q
  6254. Dear Representative Payne, Jr.,
  6255. RobertC    GoodlatteD
  6256. VirginiaE
  6257. Agriculture
  6258. Judiciary
  6259. 202-225-5431J
  6260. 202-225-9681K
  6261. Robert GoodlatteQ
  6262. Dear Representative Goodlatte,R
  6264. nergy & CommerceI
  6265. 202-225-2815J
  6266. 202-225-0011K
  6267. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr.Q Dear Representative Bliley, Jr.,
  6268. JamesB
  6269. MoranD
  6270. VirginiaE
  6271. AppropriationsI
  6272. 202-225-4376J
  6273. 202-225-0017K
  6274. James P. MoranQ
  6275. Dear Representative Moran,
  6276. RickC
  6277. BoucherD
  6278. VirginiaE
  6279. 6H8Energy & Commerce
  6280. Judiciary
  6281. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6282. 202-225-3861
  6283. 202-225-0442K
  6284. Rick BoucherQ
  6285. Dear Representative Boucher,
  6286. FrankB
  6287. WolfD
  6288. VirginiaE
  6289. AppropriationsI
  6290. 202-225-5136J
  6291. 202-225-0437K
  6292. Frank R. WolfQ
  6293. Dear Representative Wolf,
  6294. ThomasC
  6295. DavisD
  6296. VirginiaE
  6297. Thomas DavisQ
  6298. Dear Representative Davis,
  6299. RickC
  6300. WhiteD
  6301. WashingtonE
  6302. 1shingtonE
  6303. 202-225-6311I
  6304. 202-225-6311irs
  6305. Merchant Marine & Fisheries
  6306. Public Works & TransportationI
  6307. 202-225-631131116311-6311ine & Fisheries
  6308. Public Works & TransportationI
  6309. 202-225-6311
  6310. Rick WhiteQ
  6311. Dear Representative White,
  6312. JackC
  6313. MatcalfD
  6314. WashingtonE
  6315. Jack MatcalfQ
  6316. Dear Representative Matcalf,
  6317. LindaC
  6318. SmithD
  6319. WashingtonE
  6320. Linda SmithQ
  6321. Dear Representative Smith,
  6322. HastingsD
  6323. WashingtonE
  6324. 1shingtonE
  6325. 1shingtonE
  6326. 1shingtonE
  6327. 202-225-5816I
  6328. 202-225-5816I
  6329. 202-225-5816ience, Space, & TechnologyI
  6330. 202-225-581616161666ture
  6331. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6332. 202-225-5816ce, & TechnologyI
  6333. 202-225-5816echnologyI
  6334. 202-225-58168168166
  6335. Doc HastingsQ
  6336. Dear Representative Hastings,
  6337. GeorgeC
  6338. NethercuttD
  6339. WashingtonE
  6340. Speaker of The HouseK
  6341. George NethercuttQ
  6342. Dear Representative Nethercutt,
  6343. NormanB
  6344. DicksD
  6345. WashingtonE
  6346. 10H/Appropriations
  6347. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  6348. 202-225-5916J
  6349. 202-225-1176K
  6350. Norman D. DicksQ
  6351. Dear Representative Dicks,
  6352. A.C    McDermottD
  6353. WashingtonE
  6354. 4H=District of Columbia
  6355. Standards of Official Conduct (chairman)I
  6356. 202-225-3106I
  6357. 202-225-3106I
  6358. 202-225-3106I
  6359. 202-225-3106
  6360. 202-225-9212K
  6361. Jim A. McDermottQ
  6362. Dear Representative McDermott,
  6363. JenniferB
  6364. DunnD
  6365. WashingtonE
  6366. 2HOHouse Administration
  6367. Public Works & Transportation
  6368. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6369. 202-225-7761J
  6370. 202-225-8673K
  6371. Jennifer B. DunnQ
  6372. Dear Representative Dunn,
  6373. RandyC
  6374. TateD
  6375. WashingtonE
  6376. Randy TateQ
  6377. Dear Representative Tate,
  6378. AlanB
  6379. MollohanD
  6380. West VirginiaE
  6381. 7VirginiaE
  6382. 7VirginiaE
  6383. West VirginiaE
  6384. MollohanD
  6385. West VirginiaE
  6386. Appropriations
  6387. BudgetI
  6388. 202-225-4172J
  6389. 202-225-7564K
  6390. Alan B. MollohanQ
  6391. Dear Representative Mollohan,
  6392. RobertB
  6393. E.C    Wise, Jr.D
  6394. West VirginiaE
  6395. 7H$Budget
  6396. Public Works & TransportationI
  6397. 202-225-2711J
  6398. 202-225-5325K
  6399. Robert E. Wise, Jr.Q
  6400. Dear Representative Wise, Jr.,
  6401. NickB
  6402. RahallD
  6403. West VirginiaE
  6404. 10H/Natural Resources
  6405. Public Works & TransportationI
  6406. 202-225-3452J
  6407. 202-225-9061K
  6408. Nick Joe RahallQ
  6409. Dear Representative Rahall,
  6410. PeterC
  6411. BarcaD    WisconsinE
  6412. 202-225-3031K
  6413. Peter BarcaQ
  6414. Dear Representative Barca,
  6415. ScottB
  6416. KlugD    WisconsinE
  6417. Energy & CommerceI
  6418. 202-225-2906J
  6419. 202-225-6942K
  6420. Scott L. KlugQ
  6421. Dear Representative Klug,
  6422. SteveC    GundersonD    WisconsinE
  6423. Agriculture
  6424. Education & LaborI
  6425. 202-225-5506J
  6426. 202-225-6195K
  6427. Steve GundersonQ
  6428. Dear Representative Gunderson,
  6429. GeraldB
  6430. KleczkaD    WisconsinE
  6431. 7H!House Administration
  6432. Ways & MeansI
  6433. 202-225-4572J
  6434. 202-225-0719K
  6435. Gerald D. Kleczka
  6436. Dear Representative Kleczka,
  6437. ThomasB
  6438. BarretD    WisconsinE
  6439. 2HKBanking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  6440. Government Operations
  6441. Natural ResourcesI
  6442. 202-225-3571J
  6443. 202-225-2185K
  6444. Thomas M. BarretQ
  6445. Dear Representative Barret,
  6446. ThomasB
  6447. PetriD    WisconsinE
  6448. 9HKEducation & Labor
  6449. Post Office & Civil Service
  6450. Public Works & TransportationI
  6451. 202-225-2476J
  6452. 202-225-2356K
  6453. Thomas E. PetriQ
  6454. Dear Representative Petri,
  6455. DavidB
  6456. ObeyD    WisconsinE
  6457. H(Appropriations
  6458. Joint Economic (chairman)I
  6459. 202-225-3365J
  6460. 202-225-0561K
  6461. David R. ObeyQ
  6462. Dear Representative Obey,
  6463. TobyC
  6464. RothD    WisconsinE
  6465. 9H3Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  6466. Foreign AffairsI
  6467. 202-225-5665J
  6468. 202-225-0087K
  6469. RL    Toby RothQ
  6470. Dear Representative Roth,
  6471. JamesC
  6472. Sensenbrenner, Jr.D    WisconsinE
  6473. 9H&Judiciary
  6474. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6475. 202-225-5101J
  6476. 202-225-3190K
  6477. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.Q'Dear Representative Sensenbrenner, Jr.,
  6478. BarbaraC
  6479. CubinD
  6480. Wyomingg
  6481. Barbara CubinQ
  6482. Dear Representative Cubin,
  6483. Alabama
  6484. Alaska
  6485. American
  6486. Samoa
  6487. Arizona
  6488. 1 index neg matrix translate 3 1 roll
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  6498. 202-225-2607
  6499. ntative
  6500. Representative
  6501. Thomas
  6502. Resources
  6503. Urban
  6504. Technology
  6506. t    US Letter    A4 Letter
  6507. US Legal
  6508. International Fanfold
  6509. Computer Paper
  6510. Envelope (#10)
  6511. els^23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345
  6512. US English - Spelling
  6513. husetts
  6514. Norwood
  6515. Nussle
  6516. Nydia
  6517. Oberstar
  6518. Olver
  6519. Ortiz
  6520. Orton
  6521. Owens
  6522. Oxley
  6523. Packard
  6524. Pallone
  6525. Parker
  6526. Pastor
  6527. Patricia
  6528. Patrick
  6529. Patsy
  6530. Vermont
  6531. Virgin
  6532. Islands
  6533.     Virginia
  6534. Washington
  6535. Virginia
  6536. Wisconsin
  6537. Wyoming
  6538. Single View
  6539.     List View
  6540. Find Committee
  6541. Voting Record
  6542.         Democrats
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  6549. About
  6550. Sort By State
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  6557. Voting Record
  6558. Find Committee
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  6563. A    Envelopes
  6564. Save Compressed
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  6626. User Dictionary
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  6628. Cunningham
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  6631. dia. Others are free to distribute this file as long as you do not alter it or sell it for profit. 
  6632. Tom Petaccia
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  6634.  Charlotte, NC 28229-9127
  6635. Internet: tompet@fx.net
  6636. Design 
  6637.  1993-1994 TM Petaccia. 
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  6652. Generation Y
  6653. 104th Senate
  6654. FMPRFMPR
  6655. Congress 104 1.0b1
  6656. @Generation Y:HiredB2 Gun:Shareware:Congress 104 1.0b1:104th Senate
  6657. :104TH SENATE
  6658. Single
  6659. @)A    List View
  6660. Voting Record
  6661. Committee List
  6662. Form Letter
  6663. Envelope
  6664. 3-across Labels
  6665. About
  6666. MaineE
  6667. WayneB
  6668. WayneB
  6669. WayneB
  6670. T.5-8297L
  6671. WayneB
  6672. T.tative Snowe,
  6673. WayneB
  6674. T.yneB
  6675. T.yneB
  6676. T.WayneB
  6677. T.-225-8297K
  6678. Olympia J. SnoweQ
  6679. Dear Representative Snowe,
  6680. WayneB
  6681. House
  6682. Foglietta
  6683. Foley
  6684. Forbes
  6685. Fowler
  6686. Frank
  6687. Franks
  6688. Frelinghuysen
  6689. Frisa
  6690. Frost
  6691. Funderburk
  6692. Ganske
  6693. Garza
  6694. Gejdenson
  6695. Gekas
  6696. Gephardt
  6697. Geren
  6698. Gibbons
  6699. Gilchrest
  6700. Gillmor
  6701. Gilman
  6702. Gingrich
  6703. Gonzalez
  6704. Goodlatte
  6705. Goodling
  6706. Gordon
  6707. Green
  6708. Greenwood
  6709. Gunderson
  6710. Gutierrez
  6711. Gutknecht
  6712. Hamburg
  6713. Hamilton
  6714. Hancock
  6715. Hansen
  6716. Harman
  6717. Hastert
  6718. Hastings
  6719. Hayes
  6720. Ehlers
  6721. MichiganE
  6722. 6H.Education & Labor
  6723. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6724. 202-225-38313831
  6725. Wally
  6726. Walte
  6727. Walter
  6728. Wayne
  6729. William
  6730. Xavier
  6731. Bernice
  6732. Billy
  6733. Christopher
  6734. Bevill@
  6735. Costello@
  6736. Ehlers@
  6737. Flake@
  6738. Foglietta@
  6739. Furse@
  6740. Hefley@
  6741. Mccampbell@
  6742. Mccollum@
  6743. Norwood@
  6744. Owens@
  6745. Rahall@
  6746. Roybal-allard@
  6747. Sanders@
  6748. Stupak
  6749. Sybert
  6750. Wyoming@
  6751. Panettag
  6752. AgricultureZ
  6753. Armed
  6754. Business
  6755. District
  6756. Fisheries
  6757. Joint
  6758. Means
  6759. Operations@
  6760. Rules@
  6761. Small
  6762. Ehlers
  6763. Ehrlich
  6764. Emerson
  6765. Engel
  6766. English
  6767. Eshoo
  6768. Evans
  6769. Everett
  6770. Ewing
  6771. Faleomavaega
  6772. Fattah
  6773. Fawell
  6774. Fazio
  6775. Fields
  6776. Filner
  6777. Eleanor
  6778. Eliot
  6779. Elizabeth
  6780. Elton
  6781. Emerson
  6782. Engel
  6783. English
  6784. Ernest
  6785. Eshoo
  6786. Esteban
  6787. Evans
  6788. Everett
  6789. Ewing
  6790. Faleomavaega
  6791. Fattah
  6792. Fawell
  6793. Fazio
  6794. Fields
  6795. Filner
  6796. Flake
  6797. Flanagan
  6798. Floyd
  6799. Foglietta
  6800. Foley
  6801. Forbes
  6802. Fortney
  6803. Fowler@
  6804. Gary@
  6805. Gutierrez
  6806. Hutchinson@
  6807. Lambert@
  6808. Louis@
  6809. Mark@
  6810. Matthew@
  6811. Minge
  6812. Norwood@
  6813. anovich@
  6814. Robert
  6815. Scarbororough@
  6816. Schumer@
  6817. Sharp@
  6818. Swift@
  6819. Vernon@
  6820. Barcia@
  6821. Chambliss@
  6822. Clay@
  6823. Defazio@
  6824. Emerson@
  6825. Garza@
  6826. Holden@
  6827. Lafalce@
  6828. Long@
  6829. Mcmillan@
  6830. Petri
  6831. Rahall@
  6832. Representative
  6833. Roemer
  6834. Sanders@
  6835. Snowe@
  6836. Synar@
  6837. Vernon
  6838. Visclosky
  6839. Volkmer
  6840. Vucanovich
  6841. Emerson
  6842. Engel
  6843. English
  6844. Eshoo
  6845. Evans
  6846. Everett
  6847. Ewing
  6848. Faleomavaega
  6849. Fattah
  6850. Fawell
  6851. Fazio
  6852. Fields
  6853. Filner
  6854. Flake
  6855. Flanagan
  6856. Foglietta
  6857. Foley
  6858. Forbes
  6859. Fowler
  6860. Frank
  6861. Franks
  6862. Frelinghuysen
  6863. Frisa
  6864. Frost
  6865. Funderburk
  6866. Furse
  6867. Gallegly
  6868. Ganske
  6869. Garza
  6870. Gejdenson
  6871. Gekas
  6872. George
  6873. Gephardt
  6874. Gerald
  6875. Geren
  6876. Gerry
  6877. Gibbons
  6878. Gilchrest
  6879. Gillmor
  6880. Gilman
  6881. Gingrich
  6882. Glenn
  6883. Gonzalez
  6884. Goodlatte
  6885. Goodling
  6886. Gordon
  6887. Graham
  6888. Green
  6889. Greenwood
  6890. Gunderson
  6891. Gutierrezezezrezutierrezrez
  6892. DaveC
  6893. CampD
  6894. MichiganE
  6895. Ways & MeansI
  6896. 202-225-3561J
  6897. 202-225-9679K
  6898. RL    Dave CampQ
  6899. Dear Representative Camp,R
  6901. JamesB
  6902. BarciaD
  6903. MichiganE
  6904. 2H:Public Works & Transportation
  6905. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6906. 202-225-8171J
  6907. 202-225-2618K
  6908. James A. BarciaQ
  6909. Dear Representative Barcia,
  6910. A    FrederickB
  6911. UptonD
  6912. MichiganE
  6913. Energy & CommerceI
  6914. 202-225-3761J
  6915. 202-225-4986K
  6916. Frederick S. Uptonton
  6917. RobertB
  6918. SmithD
  6919. OregonE
  6920. Agriculture
  6921. Natural ResourcesI
  6922. 202-225-6730J
  6923. 202-225-3129K
  6924. Robert F. SmithQ
  6925. Dear Representative Smith,
  6926. WydenD
  6927. OregonE
  6928. 7Robert F. SmithQ
  6929. Dear Representative Smith,
  6930. WydenD
  6931. OregonE
  6932. ThomasB
  6933. Bliley, Jr.D
  6934. VirginiaE
  6935. 8H&District of Columbia
  6936. Energy & CommerceI
  6937. 202-225-2815J
  6938. 202-225-0011K
  6939. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr.Q Dear Representative Bliley, Jr.,
  6940. JamesB
  6941. MoranD
  6942. VirginiaE
  6943. AppropriationsI
  6944. 202-225-4376J
  6945. 202-225-0017K
  6946. James P. MoranQ
  6947. Dear Representative Moran,
  6948. RickC
  6949. BoucherD
  6950. VirginiaE
  6951. 7H8Energy & Commerce
  6952. Judiciary
  6953. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  6954. 202-225-3861861
  6955. CollinB
  6956. PetersonD    MinnesotaE
  6957. 3H!Agriculture
  6958. Government OperationsI
  6959. 202-225-2165J
  6960. 202-225-1593K
  6961. Collin C. PetersonQ
  6962. Dear Representative Peterson,
  6963. JamesB
  6964. OberstarD    MinnesotaE
  6965. 11H-Foreign Affairs
  6966. Public Works & TransportationI
  6967. 202-225-6211J
  6968. 202-225-0669K
  6969. James L. OberstarQ
  6970. Dear Representative Oberstar,
  6971. RogerC
  6972. WickerD
  6973. MississippiE
  6974. WallyC
  6975. HergerD
  6976. CaliforniaE
  6977. Budget
  6978. Ways & MeansI
  6979. 202-225-3076J
  6980. 202-225-0996K
  6981. Wally HergerQ
  6982. Dear Representative Herger,
  6983. FazioD
  6984. CaliforniaE
  6985. AppropriationsI
  6986. 202-225-5716J
  6987. 202-225-0354K
  6988. Vic H. FazioQ
  6989. Dear Representative Fazio,
  6990. JohnB
  6991. T.C    DoolittleD
  6992. CaliforniaE
  6993. FrankC
  6994. LucasD
  6995. OklahomaE
  6996. GlennC
  6997. EnglishD
  6998. OklahomaE
  6999. Emailpat
  7000. Epomeroy
  7001. Furseor1
  7002. Georgem
  7003. Georgia6
  7004. Hamburg
  7005. Hokemail
  7006. House
  7007. SamC    BrownbackD
  7008. KansasE
  7009. SlatteryD
  7010. KansasE
  7011. Rivers
  7012. Roberts
  7013. Roemerws,R
  7015.  Technology
  7016. Select Committee on Intelligence (chairman)K
  7017. Dan GlickmanQ
  7018. Dear Representative Glickman,
  7019. ScottC
  7020. McInnisD
  7021. ColoradoE
  7022. ScottC
  7023. McInnisD
  7024. ColoradoE
  7025. Grams
  7026. Hamburg
  7027. Hastert
  7028. Istook
  7029. Johnson
  7030.     Kreidler
  7031. Miller
  7032. Pomeroy
  7033. Dickey
  7034. Hamburg
  7035. George
  7036. Miller
  7037. Fortney
  7038. Stark
  7039. Eshoo
  7040. Gejdenson
  7041. Peter
  7042. Deutsch
  7043.     Gingrich
  7044. Hastert
  7045. Thomas
  7046. Andrews
  7047. Vernon
  7048. Ehlers
  7049. BruceB
  7050. VentoD    MinnesotaE
  7051. 10H5Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
  7052. Natural ResourcesI
  7053. 202-225-6631J
  7054. 202-225-1968K
  7055. Bruce F. VentoQ
  7056. Dear Representative Vento,
  7057. MartinB
  7058. OlavC
  7059. SaboD    MinnesotaE
  7060. 9H Appropriations
  7061. Budget (chairman)I
  7062. 202-225-4755J
  7063. 202-225-4886K
  7064. Martin Olav SaboQ
  7065. Dear Representative Sabo,
  7066. D    MinnesotaE
  7067.     Gingrich
  7068. Hastert
  7069. Thomas
  7070. Andrews
  7071. Vernon
  7072. Ehlers
  7073. GaryB
  7074. FranksD
  7075. ConnecticutE
  7076. Energy & CommerceI
  7077. 202-225-3822J
  7078. 202-225-5085K
  7079. Gary A. FranksQ
  7080. Dear Representative Franks,
  7081. NancyB
  7082. JohnsonD
  7083. ConnecticutE
  7084. 7H*Standards of Official Conduct
  7085. Ways & MeansI
  7086. 202-225-4476J
  7087. 202-225-4488K
  7088. Nancy L. Johnsonson
  7089.     Gingrich
  7090. Hastert
  7091. Thomas
  7092. Andrews
  7093. Vernon
  7094. Ehlers
  7095. JohnB
  7096. MicaD
  7097. FloridaE
  7098. 2H3Government Operations
  7099. Public Works & Transportation
  7100. MicaD
  7101. FloridaE
  7102. 1H3Government Operations
  7103. Public Works & Transportation
  7104. GeorgeB
  7105. GekasD
  7106. PennsylvaniaE
  7107. 7H*Judiciary
  7108. Select Committee on IntelligenceI
  7109. 202-225-4315J
  7110. 202-225-8440K
  7111. George W. GekasQ
  7112. Dear Representative Gekas,
  7113. MichaelC
  7114. DoyleD
  7115. PennsylvaniaE
  7116. Michael DoyleQ
  7117. Dear Representative Doyle,
  7118. WilliamB
  7119. GoodlingD
  7120. PennsylvaniaE
  7121. 11lvaniaE
  7122. 11lvaniaE
  7123. 1019F
  7124. 10lvaniaE
  7125. RobertC
  7126. MenendezD
  7127. New JerseyE
  7128. 2H-Foreign Affairs
  7129. Public Works & TransportationI
  7130. 202-225-2765J
  7131. 202-226-0792K
  7132. Robert MenendezQ
  7133. Dear Representative Menendez,
  7134. StevenC
  7135. SchiffD
  7136. New MexicoE
  7137. 4HZGovernment Operations
  7138. Judiciary
  7139. Standards of Official Conduct
  7140. Science, Space, & TechnologyI
  7141. 202-225-6316J
  7142. 202-225-4975K
  7143. Steven Schiffiff
  7144. ChristensenamsQ
  7145. Dear Representative Grams,R
  7147. Furse
  7148. Gallegly
  7149. Ganske
  7150. Garza
  7151. Gejdenson
  7152. Gekas
  7153. Gephardt
  7154. Geren
  7155. Gibbons
  7156. Gilchrest
  7157. Gillmor
  7158. Gilman
  7159. Gingrich
  7160. Gonzalez
  7161. Goodlatte
  7162. Goodling
  7163. Gordon
  7164. Graham
  7165. Green
  7166. Greenwood
  7167. Gunderson
  7168. Gutierrez
  7169. Gutknecht
  7170. Hamburg
  7171. Hamilton
  7172. Hancock
  7173. Hansen
  7174. Harman
  7175. Hastert
  7176. Hastings
  7177. Hayes
  7178. Norwood
  7179. Paul@
  7180. Radanovich@
  7181. Robert
  7182. Scarbororough@
  7183. Schumer@
  7184. Shaw@
  7185. Sybert@
  7186. Vernon@
  7187. Barcia@
  7188. Chambliss@
  7189. Clay@
  7190. Cunningham@
  7191. Defazio@
  7192. Emerson@
  7193. Garza@
  7194. Holden@
  7195. Lafalce@
  7196. Lowey@
  7197. Mcnulty@
  7198. Norwood@
  7199. Petri
  7200. Rahall@
  7201. Representative
  7202. Rivers@
  7203. Roemer
  7204. Sanders@
  7205. Solomon@
  7206. Talent@
  7207. Waters@
  7208. Rob PortmanQ
  7209. Dear Representative Portman,
  7210. TonyB
  7211. HallD
  7212. OhioE
  7213. RulesI
  7214. 202-225-6465J
  7215. 202-225-6766K
  7216. Tony P. Hall
  7217. Cubin
  7218. Cunningham
  7219. Cynthia
  7220. Danie
  7221. Danner
  7222. David
  7223. Davis
  7224. Deborah
  7225. Defazio
  7226. Delauro
  7227. Delay
  7228. Dellums
  7229. Dennis
  7230. Deutsch
  7231. Diaz-balart
  7232. Dickey
  7233. Dicks
  7234. Dingell
  7235. Dixon
  7236. Doggett
  7237. Donald
  7238. Dooley
  7239. Doolittle
  7240. Dornan
  7241. Douglas
  7242. Doyle
  7243. Dreier
  7244. Duncan
  7245. Norwood
  7246. Nussle
  7247. Oberstar
  7248. Olver
  7249. Ortiz
  7250. Orton
  7251. Owens
  7252. Oxley
  7253. Packard
  7254. Pallone
  7255. Parker
  7256. Pastor
  7257. Paxon
  7258. Payne
  7259. Pelosi
  7260. Peterson
  7261. Petri
  7262. Petritri
  7263. lPATH
  7264. /RPTH
  7266. Form Letter
  7267. Envelope
  7268. 3-across Labels
  7269. About
  7270. 104th House copy
  7271. :104TH HOUSE COPY
  7272. Single
  7273. @+A    List View
  7274. Voting Record
  7275. Committee List
  7276. Form Letter
  7277. Envelope
  7278. 3-across Labels
  7279. About
  7280. Matthew
  7281. Maurice
  7282. Maxine
  7283. Melton
  7284. Melvin
  7285. Michael
  7286. Nancy
  7287. Nathan
  7288. Matthew
  7289. Maurice
  7290. Maxine
  7291. Mccampbell
  7292. Mccarthy
  7293. Mccollum
  7294. Mccrery
  7295. Mcdade
  7296. Mcdermott
  7297. Mchale
  7298. Mchugh
  7299. Mcinnis
  7300. Mcintosh
  7301. Mckeon
  7302. Mckinney
  7303. Mcnulty
  7304. Meehan
  7305. Melton
  7306. Melvin
  7307. Menendez
  7308. Meyers
  7309. Mfume
  7310. Michael
  7311. Miller
  7312. Mineta
  7313. Mingengenge
  7314. Mingengengea
  7315. Mingenge
  7316. MingengeMingenge
  7317. Mingegege
  7318. Pro 2.0F!
  7319. Pro 2.0 - 2.1I
  7320. Pro 2.0 - 2.1I
  7321. Sanders
  7322. Sanford
  7323. Sawyer
  7324. Saxton
  7325. Scarbororough
  7326. Schaefer
  7327. Schiff
  7328. Schroeder
  7329. Schumer
  7330. Scott
  7331. Seastrand
  7332. Sensenbrenner
  7333. Serrano
  7334. Shadegg
  7335. Shays
  7336. Shepherd
  7337. Shuster
  7338. Sisisky
  7339. Skaggs
  7340. Skeen
  7341. Skelton
  7342. Slaughter
  7343. Smith
  7344. Solomon
  7345. Souder
  7346. Spence
  7347. Spratt
  7348. Stark
  7349. Stearns
  7350. Stenholm
  7351. Stockman
  7352. Stokes
  7353. Studds
  7354. Stump
  7355. Stupak
  7356. Stupakpakpak
  7357. Stupakpak
  7358. Stupakpakpakmp
  7359. Stupakpak
  7360. Sanders
  7361. Sanford
  7362. Sawyer
  7363. Saxton
  7364. Scarbororough
  7365. Schaefer
  7366. Schiff
  7367. Schroeder
  7368. Schumer
  7369. Scott
  7370. Seastrand
  7371. Sensenbrenner
  7372. Serrano
  7373. Shadegg
  7374. Shays
  7375. Shepherd
  7376. Shuster
  7377. Sisisky
  7378. Skaggs
  7379. Skeen
  7380. Skelton
  7381. Slaughter
  7382. Smith
  7383. Shays
  7384. Sheila
  7385. Shepherd
  7386. Sherrod
  7387. Sherwood
  7388. Shuster
  7389. Sidney
  7390. Sisisky
  7391. Skaggs
  7392. Skeen
  7393. Skelton
  7394. Slaughter
  7395. Smith
  7396. Solomon
  7397. Sonny
  7398. Souder
  7399. Spence
  7400. Spencer
  7401. Spratt
  7402. Stark
  7403. Stearns
  7404. Stenholm
  7405. Steny
  7406. Stephen
  7407. Steve
  7408. Steven
  7409. Stockman
  7410. Stokes
  7411. Studds
  7412. Stump
  7413. Stupak
  7414. Susan
  7415. Swett
  7416. Louis
  7417. Louise
  7418. Lowey
  7419. Lucas
  7420. Lucille
  7421. Major
  7422. Maloney
  7423. Manton
  7424. Manzullo
  7425. Marcy
  7426. Marge
  7427. Maria
  7428. Mariarialies-mezvinsky
  7429. Mariaria\
  7430. Mariariaiariariaia
  7431. Abercrombie
  7432. Ackerman
  7433. Allard
  7434. Andrews
  7435. Archer
  7436. Armey
  7437. Bachus
  7438. Baesler
  7439. Baker
  7440. Ballenger
  7441. Barca
  7442. Barca
  7443. Barca
  7444. Lowey
  7445. Lucas
  7446. Maloney
  7447. Manton
  7448. Manzullo
  7449. Markey
  7450. Martinez
  7451. Martini
  7452. Mascara
  7453. Matcalf
  7454. Matsui
  7455. Mccampbell
  7456. Mccarthy
  7457. Mccollum
  7458. Mccrery
  7459. Mcdade
  7460. Mcdermott
  7461. Mchale
  7462. Mchugh
  7463. Mcinnis
  7464. Mcintosh
  7465. Mckeon
  7466. Mckinney
  7467. kinney
  7468. Dear Representative McCampbell,
  7469. GaryC
  7470. ConditD
  7471. CaliforniaE
  7472. 4H!Agriculture
  7473. Government OperationsI
  7474. 202-225-6131J
  7475. 202-225-0819K
  7476. Gary ConditQ
  7477. Dear Representative Condit,
  7478. GeorgeC
  7479. RadanovichD
  7480. CaliforniaE
  7481. Mccampbell
  7482. Mccarthy
  7483. Rahall
  7484. Ramstad
  7485. Rangel
  7486. Regula
  7487. Reynolds
  7488. Richardson
  7489. Rivers
  7490. Roberts
  7491. Roemer
  7492. Rogers
  7493. Rohrabacher
  7494. Romero-barcelo
  7495. Ros-lehtinen
  7496. Roukema
  7497. ukema
  7498. Rowland
  7499. Radanovich
  7500. Rahall
  7501. Ralph
  7502. Ramstad
  7503. Randy
  7504. Rangel
  7505. Regula
  7506. Reynolds
  7507. Richard
  7508. Richardson
  7509. Rivers
  7510. Robert
  7511. Rahall
  7512. Ramstad
  7513. Rangel
  7514. Regula
  7515. Representative
  7516. Appointment
  7517. Director
  7518. Gradison
  7519. House
  7520. January
  7521. Leader
  7522. Majority
  7523. Minority
  7524. Panettattatattattattattattattattattaettattaattattattattattaettattattaettattattata
  7525. Andrea
  7526. Andrew
  7527. Barbara
  7528. Barney
  7529. Benjamin
  7530. Benny
  7531. Bernard
  7532. Blanche
  7533. Bobby
  7534. Brian
  7535. Bruce
  7536. Calvin
  7537. Cardiss
  7538. Carlos
  7539. Carolyn
  7540. Carrie
  7541. Chaka
  7542. Charles
  7543. Charlie
  7544. Christopher
  7545. Cliff
  7546. Collin
  7547. Sybert
  7548. Talent
  7549. Tanner
  7550. Tauzin
  7551. Taylor
  7552. Tejeda
  7553. Thomas
  7554. Thompson
  7555. Thornberry
  7556. Thornton
  7557. Thurman
  7558. Tiahrt
  7559. Torkildsen
  7560. Torres
  7561. Torricelli
  7562. Towns
  7563. Traficant
  7564. Tucker
  7565. Underwood
  7566. Upton
  7567. Velazquez
  7568. Vento
  7569. Visclosky
  7570. Volkmer
  7571. Vucanovich
  7572. Walker
  7573. Walsh
  7574. Waters
  7575. Watts
  7576. Waxman
  7577. Weldon
  7578. Weller
  7579. White
  7580. Whitfield
  7581. Wicker
  7582. Williams
  7583. Wilson
  7584. Sybert
  7585. Woolsey@
  7586. Georgia@
  7587. Michigan
  7588. Oregon
  7589. Wyoming@
  7590. Panettag
  7591. AgricultureZ
  7592. Armed
  7593. Business
  7594. District
  7595. Fisheries
  7596. Joint
  7597. Means
  7598. Operations@
  7599. Rules@
  7600. Small
  7601. Talent
  7602. Tanner
  7603. Tauzin
  7604. Taylor
  7605. Tejeda
  7606. Thomas
  7607. Thompson
  7608. Thornberry
  7609. Thornton
  7610. Thurman
  7611. Tiahrt
  7612. Torkildsen
  7613. Torres
  7614. Torricelli
  7615. Towns
  7616. Traficant
  7617. Tucker
  7618. Underwood
  7619. Upton
  7620. Velazquez
  7621. Vento
  7622. Visclosky
  7623. Volkmer
  7624. Vucanovich
  7625. Walker
  7626. Walsh
  7627. Scarbororough
  7628. Schaefer
  7629. Schiff
  7630. Schroeder
  7631. Borski
  7632. Boucher
  7633. Brewster
  7634. Browder
  7635. Brown
  7636. Brownback
  7637. Bryant
  7638. Bunning
  7639. Burton
  7640. Buyer
  7641. Callahan
  7642. Calvert
  7643. Canady
  7644. Cardin
  7645. Castle
  7646. Chabott
  7647. Chambliss
  7648. Chapman
  7649. Chenoweth
  7650. Christensen
  7651. Chrysler
  7652. Clayton
  7653. Clement
  7654. Clinger
  7655. Clyburn
  7656. Coble
  7657. Coburn
  7658. Coleman
  7659. Collins
  7660. Combest
  7661. Condit
  7662. Conyers
  7663. onyers
  7664. Borski
  7665. Boucher
  7666. Brewster
  7667. Brian
  7668. Browder
  7669. Brown
  7670. Brownback
  7671. Bruce
  7672. Bryant
  7673. Bunning
  7674. Burton
  7675. Buyer
  7676. CallahanallahanhanCallahanhanlahanhan
  7677. Saxby
  7678. Scott
  7679. Scotty
  7680. Sheila
  7681. Sherrod
  7682. Sherwood
  7683. Sidney
  7684. Solomon
  7685. Sonny
  7686. Spencer
  7687. Chambliss
  7688. Chapman
  7689. Chenoweth
  7690. Christensen
  7691. Chrysler
  7692. Norwood
  7693. Nussle
  7694. Oberstar
  7695. Olver
  7696. Ortiz
  7697. Orton
  7698. Christensen
  7699. Christopher
  7700. Chrysler
  7701. Clayton
  7702. Clement
  7703. Cliff
  7704. Clinger
  7705. Clyburn
  7706. Coble
  7707. Coburn
  7708. Coleman
  7709. Collin
  7710. Collins
  7711. Combest
  7712. Condit
  7713. Constance
  7714. Conyers
  7715. Corine
  7716. Costello
  7717. Coyne
  7718. Cramer
  7719. Crane